Tuesday, 29 September 2020

3 - Creating an Inclusive School MCQ for B.Ed., CTET and Teaching Pedagogy


3 - Creating an Inclusive School MCQ for B.Ed., CTET and Teaching Pedagogy

1:- The world ‘DPEP’ stands for

1.      District primary Education Programme

2.      Disabled project Education programme 

3.      District project Education programme

4.      Disabled primary Education programme

2:- The world ‘CABE’ stands for

1.      Central Advisory Bureau of Education

2.      Central Assignment Bureau of Education

3.      Central Advisory Board of Education

4.      Common Advisory Board of Education

3: - What is the form of ‘PIED’?

1.      Project Integrated Education for the Disabled

2.      People Integrated Education for the Disabled

3.      Project Implemented Education for the Disabled

4.      Project Integrated Education for the Draft

4: - DDRC stands for:

1.      District Disability Rehabilitation Centers

2.      Delhi Disability Rehabilitation Centers

3.      District disability rehabilitation council

4.      None of these

5: -What is inclusive classroom?

1.      One every student participates

2.      One in which the student population is culturally diverse

3.      One in which students with and without disabilities work and learn together

4.      One with many teachers

6: -Which year is considered as the International year of Disabled persons?

1.      1989

2.      1986

3.      1981

4.      1990


District Primary Education Program (DPEP) was launched by the Government of India in 1994 with the objectives of providing primary school access for all children, reducing overall dropout rates and to achieve the objective of universalisation of primary education in India.

DPEP is a centrally sponsored scheme, and as per the financial allocations 85% of the project cost is shared by Government of India (GOI) and 15% has to be from the budgets of respective State governments

Sunday, 27 September 2020

1-Creating an Inclusive School


Creating an Inclusive School


Q1. What is inclusive classroom?

1.      One every student participates

2.      One in which the student population is culturally diverse

3.      One in which students with and without disabilities work and learn together

4.      One with many teachers

Q2. The world ‘DPEP’ stands for

1.      District primary Education Programme

2.      Disabled project Education programme 

3.      District project Education programme

4.      Disabled primary Education programme

Q3.Which year is considered as the International year of Disabled persons?

1.      1989

2.      1986

3.      1981

4.      1990

Q4. Which Act replaced the Lunacy Act of 1912?

1.      The Mental Health Act, 1987

2.      Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995

3.      Right to education Act, 2009

4.      The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992

Q5. Which comprehensive act covers sense disabilities namely blindness, low vision, hearing impaired, locomotor impaired, mental retardation, leprosy aired and mental illness?

1.      Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995

2.      The Mental Health Act, 1987

3.      Right to Education Act, 2009

4.      The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992

Q6. The world ‘CABE’ stands for

1.      Central Advisory Bureau of Education

2.      Central Assignment Bureau of Education

3.      Central Advisory Board of Education

4.      Common Advisory Board of Education


Q7. In which year, did the Indian Government formulate the National policy on Education for all government schools and articulate a need to integrate students with disabilities?

1.      1966

2.      1967

3.      1968

4.      1969

Q8. When was the policy “National Policy for persons with disabilities” realized by ministry of social Justice & Empowerment of India?

1.      10th February, 2006

2.      10th February, 2005

3.      10th February, 2006

4.      10th February, 2005

Q9. What is the form of ‘PIED’?

1.      Project Integrated Education for the Disabled

2.      People Integrated Education for the Disabled

3.      Project Implemented Education for the Disabled

4.      Project Integrated Education for the Draft

Q10. Education of children with special needs should be provided

1.      By methods developed for special children in special schools.

2.      In special Schools

3.      By special teachers in special school

4.      Along with other normal children

Q11. Inclusive Education

1.      Includes teachers from marginalized group

2.      Celebrated diversity in the classroom

3.      Encourages strict admission procedures

4.      Includes indoctrination of facts

Q12.The national trust act was implemented in the year

1.      1999

2.      2000

3.      2001

4.      2002


 Q13. Education of schools for all could be a tagline for which of the following?

1.      Cohesive education

2.      Inclusive education

3.      Cooperative education

4.      Exclusive education

Q14. Which among the following is a characteristic of a gifted child?

1.      Low I.Q score

2.      Decision making power & confident

3.      Unable to interact with others

4.      Incompatible with his mates

Q15. Which among the following is not the symptom of a maladjusted child?

1.      Nail biting

2.      Quarrelling with peers

3.      Emotionally mature

4.      Stammering


Q16. Gifted students will realize their potential when:

1.      They are given private coaching

2.      They learn with others

3.      They are segregated from other students

4.      They are tested frequently

Q17. Creative answer requires:

1.      Content based questions

2.      A highly disciplined classroom

3.      Open ended questions

4.      Directly taught and tested

Q18.Which is the best method to teach children with special needs?

1.      Demonstration by teacher involving students

2.      Discussion in the classroom involving maximum number of students

3.      Cooperative learning and peer tutoring

4.      Ability grouping for teaching


 Q19. Giftedness is due to:

1.      Genetic makeup

2.      Environmental motivation

3.      Both 1 and 2

4.      Psycho social factory

Q20. When Salamanca Statement was announced?

1.      June 1994

2.      August 1994

3.      September 1994

4.      October 1994

Q21. The teaching which affects maximum sense is called as?

1.      Reflective Teaching

2.      Whole Approach teaching

3.      Multisensory teaching

4.      All of the above


 Q22. Learning disabled children differ from mentally retarded children in that

1.      They have usually average intelligence

2.      They are able to learn in most areas

3.      They have learning difficulty in one area

4.      All of the above

Q23. Difficulty in recalling sequence of letter in words and frequent loss of visual memory is associated with

1.      Dyslexia

2.      Dyscalculia

3.      Dysgraphia

4.      Dyspraxia

Q24. Which of the following is a principle of inclusive education?

1.      The public school system is the foundation for inclusive education.

2.      All students have the right to receive a public education in the regular classroom.

3.      Inclusive education at all levels benefits students with special needs and their peers.

4.      All of these


Q25. National Policy for Persons with Disability was adopted in India in the year ________.

1.      2004

2.      2006

3.      2008

4.      2010

Q26. The Government of India formulated the ________ which deals with Physical, Educational & Economic Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

1.      National Policy for Persons with Disabilities

2.      Right to Education Act

3.      Composite regional centers

4.      Special Schools Act

Q27. Where is Salamanca?

1.      America

2.      Russia

3.      Spain

4.      Germany


Q28. The purpose of Salamanca meet was:

1.      Furthering the objectives of inclusive education

2.      Settling of new and separate schools for special children

3.      Both 1 and 2

4.      None of these

Q29. Which of the following proclamation were set by Salamanca Statement and action for framework?

1.      Every student should must get his basic education

2.      Every child has unique needs

3.      Education plan must be diverse

4.      All of these

Q30. He Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 is:

1.      An Act to give effect to the Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of the People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region.

2.      An Act to give effect to the Proclamation to provide extra rights to the People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region.

3.      Both 1 and 2

4.      None of these

Q31. Which of the following characteristics are found in a gifted children?

1.      Have large vocabulary

2.      Express curiosity

3.      Self critical

4.      All of these

Q32. Which of the following is not an educational provision for gifted children?

1.      Give them extra homework

2.      Accept their superiority

3.      Engage them in peer tutoring

4.      Arranged special school for gifted

Q33. Which of the following is not a cause for slow learner?

1.      Biological weakness

2.      Physical defects and diseases

3.      Eating junk food

4.      Poverty and economic conditions


Q34. Which of the following is the need of slow learners?

1.      Counseling service

2.      More practice

3.      Visual presentations

4.      All of these

Q35. A/An ______ is one who deviates from the normal child in mental, physical, emotional and social characteristics to an extent that he requires special educational services.

1.      Exceptional child

2.      Normal child

3.      Both 1 and 2

4.      None of these

Q36. Characteristic of visually impaired children:

1.      Language development

2.      Intellectual ability

3.      Social and work adjustment

4.      All of these


Q37. Which of the following is not a functional limitation of visually impaired children?

1.      Educational retardation

2.      Slow speech development

3.      Hearing problems

4.      Problem of social adjustment

Q38. Functional limitation of learning impairment children:

1.      Attention related limitation

2.      Auditory perceptual limitation

3.      Language related limitation

4.      All of these

Q39. DDRC stands for:

1.      District Disability Rehabilitation Centers

2.      Delhi Disability Rehabilitation Centers

3.      District disability rehabilitation council

4.      None of these


 Q40. The major frustration that children with hearing loss face in the classroom is:

1.      The inability to read the prescribed textbook

2.      The inability to participate in sports and games

3.      The inability to communicate or share information with other

4.      The inability to take examinations with other students

Q41. Special education requires, which of the following elements

1.      Special curriculum

2.      Trained professionals

3.      Infrastructures facilities

4.      All of these

Q42. Which type of education is practice of educating students with special needs in the regular classess during the specific time periods based on their skill?

1.      Mainstreaming education

2.      Exclusive education

3.      Inclusive education

4.      Integrated education


Q43. _______ Education is exclusion of all the students how are not able to fit in the curriculum or in school settings of any reason.

1.      Mainstreaming education

2.      Exclusive education

3.      Inclusive education

4.      Integrated education

Q44. Which of the following is not a type of Neurological disorder?

1.      Autism

2.      Alzheimer

3.      Tourette ‘Syndrome’

4.      Dyslexia

Q45. RTE – 2009 at ACT is based on which article of constitution of India?

1.      Article 45

2.      Article 43

3.      Article 15

4.      Article 73


Q46. According to the act, children of which age group will be provided free and compulsory education

1.      7 years to 14 years

2.      6 years to 14 years

3.      Up to 14 years

4.      Up to 10 years

Q47. Elementary education covers education from _____  class to ______  class.

1.      1 to class 5

2.      1 to class 8

3.      6 to class 8

4.      All of the above

Q48. As per the act, private and specified category schools shall admit, ________% children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group, in class I.

1.      20%

2.      30%

3.      40%

4.      25%


Q49. In order to improve learning of children admitted in the age appropriate classes and bring them to level of their class mates, there is a provision of.

1.      Remedial teaching

2.      Special training

3.      Multi-grade teaching

4.      All of the above

Q50. As per the provisions of RtE the nodal academic authority of the state will be

1.      DIET


3.      RIE

4.      NCERT