3 - Creating an Inclusive School MCQ for B.Ed., CTET and Teaching Pedagogy
1:- The world ‘DPEP’ stands for
1. District primary Education Programme
2. Disabled project Education programme
3. District project Education programme
4. Disabled primary Education programme
2:- The world ‘CABE’ stands for
1. Central Advisory Bureau of Education
2. Central Assignment Bureau of Education
3. Central Advisory Board of Education
4. Common Advisory Board of Education
3: - What is the form of ‘PIED’?
1. Project Integrated Education for the Disabled
2. People Integrated Education for the Disabled
3. Project Implemented Education for the Disabled
4. Project Integrated Education for the Draft
4: - DDRC stands for:
1. District Disability Rehabilitation Centers
2. Delhi Disability Rehabilitation Centers
3. District disability rehabilitation council
4. None of these
5: -What is inclusive classroom?
1. One every student participates
2. One in which the student population is culturally diverse
3. One in which students with and without disabilities work and learn together
4. One with many teachers
6: -Which year is considered as the International year of Disabled persons?
1. 1989
2. 1986
3. 1981
4. 1990
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