Friday, 11 December 2020

General Computer Test - 108


1. Which of the following is not a primary storage device?

A) Magnetic tape

B) Magnetic disk

C) Optical disk

D) All of above


2. Who invented Analytical engine?

A) Blaise Pascal

B) George Bool

C) Charles Babbage

D) Dr. Herman Hollerith


3. CPU speed of a personal computer is

A) 32 KIPS

B) 100 KIPS


D) None of these


4. Circular division of disks to store and retrieve data are known as

A) tracks

B) sectors

C) cycles

D) rings


5. Which statement is valid?

A) 1KB = 1024 bytes

B) 1 MB=2048 bytes

C) 1 MB = 1000 kilobytes

D) 1 KB = 1000 bytes


6. The least significant bit of the binary number, which is equivalent to any odd decimal number, is:

A) 0

B) 1

C) 1 or 0

D) 3


7. The latest PC keyboards use a circuit that senses the movement by the change in its capacitance,

A) Capacitance keyboard

 B) Mechanical keyboard

 C) Qwerty keyboard

D) Dvorak keyboard


8. The Stepped Reckoner was invented by

A) John Napier

B) William Oughtred

 C) Gottfried Leibnitz

D) Blaise Pascal


9. A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is

A) Multiprogramming

B) Modulation

C) Multiprocessing

D) Micro program sequence


10. While inserting a diskette into the diskette drive of a PC, the diskette’s label side should face

A) East

B) North

 C) South

 D) Up


11. Most of the inexpensive personal computers do not have any disk or diskette drive. What is the name of such computes?

A) Home computers

B) Diskless computers

C) Dedicated computers

D) General purpose computers


12. What is a light pen?

A) Mechanical Input device

B) Optical input device

C) Electronic input device

D) Optical output device


13. Which of the following class of computers can not support multiple users simultaneously?

A) Mainframe Computer

B) Mini Computers

C) Micro Computers

D) All of them can support


14. Which of the following is considered first computer in the world?

A) Z3


C) Mark I

D) None of above


15. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits?






16. In order to play and hear sound on a computer, one needs:

A) a sound card and speakers

B) a microphone

C) all of them required

D) none of them required


17. Which of the following devices can be sued to directly image printed text?




D) All of above


18. For which of the following computers can’t be used?

A) gathering data

 B) calculating data

C) comparing data

 D) Arranging data


19. Which of the following is called low level languages?

A) Machine language

 B) Assembly language

 C) Both of the above

D) None of above


20. A factor which would strongly influence a business person to adopt a computer is its

A) Accuracy

B) Reliability

C) Speed

D) All of above


21. Who invented punched cards?

A) Charles Babbage

B) Dr. Herman Hollerith

C) Howard Aikin

D) Joseph Jacquard


22. Each model of a computer has a unique

A) Assembly of a computer

B) Machine language

 C) High level language

D) All of the above


23. Which of the following is not a primary storage device?

A) Magnetic tape

 B) Magnetic disk

C) Optical disk

D) All of the above


24. In a punched card system, data is processed by a

A) Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine

B) Accounting machine, posting machine, and billing machine

C) Sorter, posting machine, and billing machine

D) Accounting machine, keypunch machine and sorter


25. Which device is required for the Internet connection?

A) Joystick

B) Modem

 C) CD Drive

 D) NIC Card

1-D        2-C        3-B        4-A        5-A

6-A        7-A        8-C        9-A        10-D      11-B      12-B      13-C      14-C      15-A

16-A      17-A      18-A      19-C      20-D      21-D      22-B      23-D      24-D      25-B

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