
Thursday, 3 December 2020

General Computer Test - 11


1. What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?

(a)    Report

(b)    Field

(c)     Record

(d)    File

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

2. Most modern TV’s draw power even if turned off. The circuit the power is used in does what function?

(a)    Sound

(b)    Remote control

(c)     Color balance

(d)    High voltage

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

3. ‘MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?

(a)    WordPerfect Document File

(b)    MS Office document

(c)     Animation/movie file

(d)    Image file

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

4. The most common format for a home video recorder is VHS. VHS stands for….?

(a)    Video Home System

(b)    Very high speed

(c)     Video horizontal standard

(d)    Voltage house standard

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

5. What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.

(a)    URL (Universal Resource Locator)

(b)    LAN (Local Area Network)

(c)     WAN (Wide Area Network)

(d)    World Wide Web

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

6. If you want to secure a message, use a(n) :

(a)    cryptology source

(b)    encryption key

(c)     encryption software package

(d)    cryptosystem

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

7. Circuits that provide a communication path between two or more devices of a digital computer system is :

(a)    Car

(b)    Bus

(c)     Track

(d)    Cable

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

8. A coding structure in which characters are represented by means of series of parallel bars is :

(a)    Bar code

(b)    Menu Bar

(c)     Numeric Bar

(d)    Bar Graph

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

9. Which of the following best describes a computer-based information system?

(a)    Data input for processing

(b)    Output in produced in the form of Hard copy

(c)     Processing data

(d)    System where computer is used to turn data into information

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

10. Voice recognition is :

(a)    Ability to input data directly into a computer system by speaking to it

(b)    Ability to output data directly from a computer system by speaking

(c)     Processing of voice in computer system

(d)    Both (a) and (b)

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

11. Which one of the following is the right shortcut for closing document in MS Office?

(a)    Shift + W

(b)    Ctrl + W

(c)     Shift + Ctrl + W

(d)    Shift + Alt + W

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

12. The cell reference for cell range of G2 to M12 is……….

(a)    G2.M12

(b)    G2;M12

(c)     G2:M12

(d)    G2-M12

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

13. Which of the following is not an option of the spelling dialog box?

(a)    Ignore

(b)    Ignore all

(c)     Edit

(d)    Change

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

14. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?

(a)    Visual Basic

(b)    C

(c)     Visual C + +

(d)    Java

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

15. Which key do you press to check spelling?

(a)    F3

(b)    F5

(c)     F7

(d)    F9

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

16. What does COUNTA ( ) function do?

(a)    counts cells having alphabets

(b)    counts empty cells

(c)     counts cells having number

(d)    counts non-empty cells

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

17. Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?

(a)    Title Bar

(b)    Menu Bar

(c)     Formula Bar

(d)    Standard Tool Bar

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

18. Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document?

(a)    Auto Format

(b)    Auto Correct

(c)     Smart Tags

(d)    Auto Text

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

19. Which of the following enables you to paste data multiple times?

(a)    window clipboard

(b)    office clipboard

(c)     Memory

(d)    Both (a) and (b)

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

20. Which of the following enables you to paste data multiple times?

(a)    windows clipboard

(b)    office clipboard

(c)     Memory

(d)    Both (a) and (b)

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

21. Which of the following is valid IP address?

(a)    984.12.787.76

(b)    192.168.321.10

(c)     1.888.234.3456


(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

22. What is FTP program used for?

(a)    Transfer files to and from an Internet Server

(b)    Designing a website

(c)     Connecting to the Internet

(d)    Sending mails in bulk

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

23. Which of the following are commonly found on web pages?

(a)    internet

(b)    hyperlinks

(c)     intranet

(d)    all of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

24. The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called…….

(a)    document formatting

(b)    database management

(c)     mail merge

(d)    form letters

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

25. What is the full form of TCP/IP?

(a)    Transmission control protocol/internet protocol

(b)    telephone call protocol/international protocol

(c)     transport control protocol/internet protocol

(d)    Tele caller protocol institutional protocol

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

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