
Friday, 4 December 2020

General Computer Test - 16


1. What is the main advantage of magnetic core memory over semiconductor RAM memory?

(a)    More compact and smaller

(b)    More economical

(c)     A bit does not have to write after reading

(d)    Non-volatile

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

2. Which of the following memories contains a thin film of magnetic material sandwitched between two permanent bias magnets?

(a)    ROM

(b)    Magnetic disk

(c)     Core memory

(d)    Bubble memory

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

3. The minimum time delay required between the initiation of two successive memory operations is known as

(a)    memory cycle time

(b)    memory access time

(c)     transmission time

(d)    waiting time

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

4. When the time to establish link is large and the size of data is small, the preferred mode of data transfer is

(a)    circuit switching

(b)    packet switching

(c)     time division multiplexing

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

5. In circuit switching

(a)    data is stored at intermediate nodes

(b)    transmission path is set before data transfer

(c)     dedicated communication link is not required

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

6. A device used in some magnetic tape data entry system is

(a)    key-to-disk station

(b)    light pen

(c)     touch Panel

(d)    card punch

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

7. Which of the following PC user must have a special hardware device that is to linkup with a bulletin board system?

(a)    ALU

(b)    Control Unit

(c)     Modem

(d)    Light Pen

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

8. A single primary storage location in the processor unit

(a)    can hold several different data items at the same time

(b)    can hold data items but not program instructions

(c)     is identified by a built-in and unique number called an address

(d)    is identified by a number that varies with the contents in the location.

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

9. A large computer designed to handle complex scientific calculations

(a)    may use only a firmed word-length storage approach

(b)    will likely require a character addressable storage unit

(c)     must use fixed length words of four character each

(d)    will not use numbered address locations

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

10. Methods used to organize and physically store disk data are cylinder and

(a)    sector

(b)    surface

(c)     track

(d)    hib

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

11. Magnetic storage chips have no moving parts, and they provide nonvolatile direct- access storage of data.

(a)    Tape

(b)    Disk

(c)     Ink character

(d)    Bus

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

12. A class of random access memory that requires periodic servicing in order for, the contents to remain valid is

(a)    Static RAM

(b)    Dynamic RAM

(c)     PROM

(d)    EPROM

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

13. A sequence of microinstruction is

(a)    machine code

(b)    microcode

(c)     mnemonics

(d)    gray code

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

14. A specific part of an arithmetic and logic unit that is used to perform the operation of multiplication is

(a)    multiplier

(b)    multiplener

(c)     multivibrator

(d)    quantization

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

15. Which of the following belongs to the first generation of computer?

(a)    HNIAC

(b)    IBM 1401

(c)     IBM 8090

(d)    UNI VAC

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

16. A typical modern computer uses

(a)    LSI chips

(b)    vacuum tubes

(c)     valves

(d)    All these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

17. Which kind of hardware is used the most in the input phase of a computer-based information system?

(a)    Keyboard

(b)    Printer

(c)     Monitor

(d)    Hard disk

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

18. Which kind of device allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?

(a)    System boards

(b)    Storage devices

(c)     Input devices

(d)    Expansion slots

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

19. Which of the following persons probably has the least amount of technical knowledge?

(a)    User

(b)    Computer operator

(c)     System Analyst

(d)    Programmer

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

20. Which of the following is not true for primary storage?

(a)    Information must be transferred to primary storage

(b)    It is relatively more expensive

(c)     It allows very fast access to data

(d)    It is less expensive

(e)    None of these

Ans : (e)

21. In a generic microprocessor, instruction cycle time is

(a)    shorter than machine cycle time

(b)    larger than machine cycle time

(c)     exactly double the machine cycle time

(d)    exactly the same as the machine cycle time

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

22. The cyclic codes are used in

(a)    arithmetic and logical computations

(b)    data transfer

(c)     continuously varying signal representation

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

23. The operation of a digital computer is based on principle.

(a)    Counting

(b)    Measuring

(c)     Electronic

(d)    Logical

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

24. Which of the following is a group of related characters that are treated as a single unit?

(a)    Array

(b)    File

(c)     Field

(d)    Block

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

25. The person who writes instruction that tell the computer how to handle input information is

(a)    data entry operator

(b)    computer programmer

(c)     computer operator

(d)    keypunch operator

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

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