Sunday, 6 December 2020

General Computer Test - 36


1. This dialog box specifies or modifies the worksheet cell range containing data to be charted………….

(a)    Chart Location

(b)    Chart Style

(c)     Chart Options

(d)    Chart Source Data

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)                    

2. If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP, you are actually performing………..

(a)    upstart       

(b)    upgrade

(c)     update        

(d)    patch

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

3. The operating system that is self-contained in a device and resident in the ROM is…………

(a)    Batch Operating System

(b)    Real-time Opearting System

(c)     Embedded Operating System

(d)    Multi Operating System       

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

4. To make a copy of the current document to disk…………

(a)    Use the ‘Save’ command

(b)    This cannot be done

(c)     Use the ‘duplicate’ command

(d)    Copy the document

(e)    Use the ‘save as’ command

Ans : (d)

5. In the formula, B1/B2 + B3, which of the following is the correct precedence?

(a)    Addition higher precedence than division

(b)    Equal precedence  among the two operators; proceed right to left

(c)     Equal precedence among the two operators; proceed left to right

(d)    Division higher precedence than addition

(e)    None of these

Ans : (*)

6. POST stands for………..

(a)    Power on Self Test

(b)    Program on Self Test

(c)     Power on System Test

(d)    Program on System Test

(e)    Power Off System Test

Ans : (a)

7. In word, you can use Styles to…………

(a)    Make copies of documents

(b)    Save changes to documents

(c)     Delete text in-documents

(d)    Format your documents

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

8. How many megabytes make a gigabyte?

(a)    1024            

(b)    128

(c)     256

(d)    512

(e)    64

Ans : (a)

9. Which of the following is not a term pertaining to the Internet?

(a)    Keyboard   

(b)    Link

(c)     Browser     

(d)    Search Engine

(e)    Hyperlink

Ans : (a)

10. Which of the following is used by the browser to connect to the location of the Internet resources?

(a)    Linkers        

(b)    Protocol

(c)     Cable          

(d)    URL

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

11. Excel would evaluate the formula,=20*10/4*8, and return the answer…………..

(a)    400

(b)    40

(c)     6.25             

(d)    232

(e)    600

Ans : (c)

12. Which of the following is the fastest type of computer?

(a)    Laptop        

(b)    Notebook

(c)     Personal Computer

(d)    Workstation

(e)    Supercomputer

Ans : (e)

13. Which key is used to delete one character to the left of the current position of the cursor?

(a)    Backspace  

(b)    Delete

(c)     Insert          

(d)    Esc

(e)    Ctrl

Ans : (a)

14. Which part of the computer helps to store information?

(a)    Monitor      

(b)    Keyboard

(c)     Disk-drive  

(d)    Printer        

(e)    Plotter

Ans : (c)

15. In word, when you indent a paragraph, you…….

(a)    push the text in with respect to the margin

(b)    change the margins on the page

(c)     move the text up by one line

(d)    move the text down by one line

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

16. Which keys enable the input of numbers quickly?

(a)    ctrl, shift and alt

(b)    function keys

(c)     the numeric keypad

(d)    arrow keys

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

17. The operation of combining two cells into a single cell in Excel is referred to as……….

(a)    Join Cells    

(b)    Merge Cells

(c)     Merge Table            

(d)    Join Table

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

18. Which of the following can be used to store a large number of files in a small amount of storage space?

(a)    File adjustment       

(b)    File copying

(c)     File reading

(d)    File compatibility

(e)    File compression

Ans : (e)

19. Data is organized in a worksheet as………..

(a)    charts and diagrams

(b)    rows and columns

(c)     tables and boxes

(d)    graphs        

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

20. Which of the following is an example of a binary number?

(a)    6AH1           

(b)    100101

(c)     005

(d)    ABCD

(e)    23456

Ans : (b)

21. Spell Check will find errors in which of the following?

(a)    Today is a rainy day

(b)    Today is a rainy a day

(c)     is a rainy

(d)    Rainy today a day

(e)    None of these

Ans : (e)

22. Which of the following is not a storage medium?

(a)    hard disk

(b)    flash drive

(c)     DVD

(d)    CD

(e)    Keyboard

Ans : (e)

23. In Excel, when the contents and attributes of a cell or range of cells have to be erased using the menu, the user must…………

(a)    Select the cells, choose Edit, and select Clear, then All

(b)    Select the cells, and click delete on the keyboard

(c)     Select the cells, choose Tools, and select Clear, then Formats

(d)    Select the cells, choose Tools, and select Formula Audit, then Delete

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

24. If an Excel Worksheet is to be linked for use in a Power Point presentation, the following should be clicked…………

(a)    Edit, Paste Special  

(b)    Edit, Paste

(c)     Edit, Copy  

(d)    File, Copy

(e)    None of these

25. In Word, which menu would the user select to print a document?

(a)    Tools

(b)    File

(c)     View

(d)    Window

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

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