Monday, 7 December 2020

General Computer Test - 51


1. Leaves of which of the following trees are at the same level?

(a)    Binary tree

(b)    B-tree

(c)     AVL-tree

(d)    Expression tree

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

2. The transformation of a message into an encoded form is known as :

(a)    Mnemonics

(b)    Encoding

(c)     Encryption

(d)    Decoding

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

3.The unique signal, generated by a device, that tells the operating system that it is in need of immediate attention is called an :

(a)    action

(b)    event

(c)     interrupt

(d)    activity

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

4. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be………

(a)    Formatted

(b)    Reformatted

(c)     Addressed

(d)    Partitioned

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

5. software allows users to perform calculations on rows and columns of data.

(a)    Word processing

(b)    Presentation graphics

(c)     Database Management Systems

(d)    Electronic Spreadsheet

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

6. When you quickly press and release that left mouse button twice, you are……….

(a)    Primary – clicking

(b)    Pointing

(c)     Double-clicking

(d)    Secondary-clicking

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

7. All of the following statements concerning windows are true EXCEPT :

(a)    windows are an example of a command- driven environment

(b)    windows can be resized and repositioned on the desktop

(c)     more than one window can be open at a time

(d)    toolbars and scrollbars are features of windows

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

8. The only language understood by a digital computer is called :

(a)    Assembly language

(b)    High level language

(c)     English language

(d)    Binary language

(e)    None of above

Ans : (d)

9. The computers can be on different local networks in a………..

(a)    Workgroup

(b)    Domain

(c)     Network

(d)    Transmission

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

10. What does the Ctrl + I shortcut key accomplish in MS-Word?

(a)    It makes the selected text bold

(b)    It adds a line break to the document

(c)     It applies italic formatting to the selected text

(d)    It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font

(e)    None of the above

Ans : (c)

11. To access and display documents on the web, you must have a communication standard called………

(a)    DNS

(b)    URL

(c)     HTTP

(d)    HTML

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

12. In concern of databases, what does OLTP stands for?

(a)    On-Line Transfer Process

(b)    On-Line Transfer Protocol

(c)     On-Line Transaction Protocol

(d)    On-Line Transaction Processing

(e)    None of the above

Ans : (d)

13. The toolbar in which you can type a web address is the Bar?

(a)    Address

(b)    Format

(c)     Status

(d)    Navigation

(e)    None

Ans : (a)

14. You are entering a paragraph in a word processing program. When the cursor gets to the end of the line, what is the best way to get the cursor to the next line?

(a)    Press the ENTER key

(b)    Press the TAB key

(c)     Press the ESCAPE key

(d)    Just keep typing

(e)    None of the above

Ans : (d)

15. is the process of sending same e-mail message to a selected group of recipients.

(a)    Multicasting

(b)    Spamming

(c)     Webcasting

(d)    Broadcasting

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

16. The default opening/beginning webpage of a website is called………..

(a)    Index page

(b)    Search page

(c)     Homepage

(d)    Feedback

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

17. In which type of network, all computers must be on the same local network or subnet?

(a)    Peer to Peer

(b)    MAN

(c)     WAN

(d)    Internet

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

18. Arranging data such              as names in alphabetical order in a table is called :

(a)    Numbering

(b)    Searching

(c)     Listing

(d)    Sorting

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

19. Hotmail, a free web-based email service operated by which company?

(a)    Apple

(b)    Rediff

(c)     Microsoft

(d)    Yahoo

(e)    Google

Ans : (c)

20. When a user turns on a Windows XP system, which program will activate first?

(a)    Exhaust fan of SMPS will start rotating

(b)    Windows XP logo screen appear with progress bar

(c)     Operating System start to load its file in RAM

(d)    Desktop screen appear with mouse pointer

(e)     BIOS  the in-charge of system start executing

Ans : (e)

21. Adobe Acrobat files are stored in what format?

(a)    Portable Document Format (PDF)

(b)    Adobe Acrobat File (AAF)

(c)     Document (DOC)

(d)    Text (TXT)

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

22. The………directory is mandatory for every disk.

(a)    Root

(b)    Base

(c)     Sub

(d)    Case

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

23. The term, “Hypertext”, means…………

(a)    Non-sequential writing

(b)    Hypermedia

(c)     Text with heavy formatting

(d)    Blinking text

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

24. After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered :

(a)    Data

(b)    output

(c)     input

(d)    the process

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

25. Making illegal copies of copyrighted software is called…………

(a)    software piracy

(b)    browsing

(c)     collaboration

(d)    electronic distribution

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

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