Tuesday, 8 December 2020

General Computer Test - 57


1. What is the full form of a computer language ‘Basic’?

(a)    Beginners purpose Symbolic Information Code

(b)    Beginners all purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

(c)     Beginners all purpose Symbolic Inter- change code

(d)    Beginners all purpose Symbolic IT code

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

2. The kind of the memory that comes from the CPU that is erased when you shut the computer off or exit the program that you were in.

(a)    ROM

(b)    RAM

(c)     CACHE

(d)    Flash Drive

(e)    Hard Drive

Ans : (b)

3. Electronic telecommunications system joining many thousands of computers together.

(a)    e-mail

(b)    chatting

(c)     internet

(d)    WAN

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

4. A computer…………is a set of program instructions that can attach itself to a file, reproduce itself, and spread to other files.

(a)    worm

(b)    virus

(c)     trojan horse

(d)    phishing scam

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

5. A(n)………..camera is a peripheral device used to capture still images in a digital format that can be easily transferred into a computer and manipulated using graphics software.

(a)    digital

(b)    analog

(c)     classic

(d)    film

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

6. A telephone number, a birth date, and a customer name are all examples of :

(a)    a record

(b)    data

(c)     a file

(d)    a database

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

7. Which of the following would cause quickest access?

(a)    direct access from a magnetic tape

(b)    direct access from a hard disk

(c)     direct access from a floppy disk

(d)    direct access from a cassette tape

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

8. Laptop PCs are also known as………. Computers.

(a)    Mainframe

(b)    Super

(c)     Notebook

(d)    Personal

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

9. A………..is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with other devices on a network.

(a)    Web browser

(b)    network adapter

(c)     Bluetooth

(d)    LAN

(e)    WiFi

Ans : (b)

10. Machine language is :

(a)    Machine dependent

(b)    Difficult to program              

(c)     Error prone

(d)    All of these

(e) None of these

Ans : (d)

11. Which one of the following is unlikely to be the number of keys in the standard keyboard?

(a)    101

(b)    104

(c)     107

(d)    109

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

12. A file with extension “jpeg” stores which type of files?

(a)    Data document

(b)    Pictures

(c)     Movies

(d)    Music

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

13. A real time communication session involving video and audio data for the participants over a network spanning long distance?

(a)    Broadcasting

(b)    Routing

(c)     Video conferencing

(d)    Chatting

(e) None of these

Ans : (c)

14. Which of the following utilities used to monitor and restrict all the file transfer between two networks?

(a)    Web server

(b)    Firewall

(c)     Internet Explorer

(d)    LAN

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

15. Name the branch of science which tries to make computer work like human beings?

(a)    Forensic Science

(b)    Encryptology

(c)     Virtual reality

(d)    Artificial Intelligence

(e) Biometrics

Ans : (d)

16. The bar at the top of a window that bears the name of the window is known as :

(a)    control panel

(b)    task bar

(c)     menu bar

(d)    status bar

(e)    title bar

Ans : (e)

17. We can get…………menu by pressing Alt+F in mostly softwares.

(a)    file

(b)    format

(c)     Joystick

(d)    Track ball

(e) None of these

Ans : (a)

18. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?

(a)    Keyboard

(b)    Mouse

(c)     Joystick

(d)    Track ball

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

19. ………..devices store instructions or data that the CPU processes.

(a)    Output

(b)    Memory

(c)     Input

(d)    Storage

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

20. What is the first stage in software development?

(a)    System Analysis

(b)    Specification and design

(c)     Testing

(d)    Maintenance

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

21. Which is not the function of the Operating System?

(a)    Memory management

(b)    Disk management

(c)     Application management

(d)    Virus Protection

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

22. To close a program, you would :

(a)    shut down the computer

(b)    click the in the top right hand corner

(c)     click the middle box in the top right hand corner

(d)    click the X in the top right hand corner

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

23. A device that operates under the control of another device is called :

(a)    Stem

(b)    Slave

(c)     Simulator

(d)    Emulator

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

24. To publish a magazine a application would be best.

(a)    word processing

(b)    desktop publishing

(c)     spreadsheet

(d)    presentation graphics

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

25. A  computer  fails into the category if it is, at the time of construction, one of the fastest computers in the world.

(a)    minicomputer

(b)    supercomputer

(c)     microcomputer

(d)    mainframe

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

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