Thursday, 10 December 2020

General Computer Test - 79


1. Which one of the following is NOT a computer language?

(a) MS-Excel



(d) C + +

(e) None of these

Ans : (a)

2. Each memory cell has a unique number, assigned to it is called as the             of the cell

(a)    Address      

(b)    Register

(c)     Number

(d)    Path

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

3. The server on the internet is also known as :

(a)    Repeater

(b)    Host

(c)     Gateway

(d)    AND Gate

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

4. Website is a collection of :

(a)    HTML documents

(b)    Graphic files

(c)     Audio and video files

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

5. ……….is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to one another efficiently.

(a)    Switching

(b)    Redundancy

(c)     Capacity

(d)    Detecting

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

6. One computer that is not considered a portable computer is………..

(a)    Mini computer

(b)    A Laptop

(c)     Micro computer

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

7. The sharing of a medium and its path by 2 or more devices is called……….

(a)    Modulation

(b)    Encoding

(c)     Line discipline

(d)    Multiplexing

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

8. Device drivers are :

(a)    tine power cords for external storage devices

(b)    experts who know to maximise the performance of device

(c)     small, special purpose programs

(d)    the innermost part of the operating system

(e)    substitutes for operating systems

Ans : (c)

9. Array is………….

(a)    linear data structure

(b)    non-linear data structure

(c)     complex data structure

(d)    simple data structure

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

10. A stored link to a webpage, in order to have a quick and easy access to it later, is called :

(a)    Bookmark

(b)    WP-link

(c)     Favourites

(d)    Both (a) and (c)

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

11. Which input device cannot be used to work in MS Office?

(a)    Scanner

(b)    Mouse

(c)     Keyboard

(d)    Joy stick

(e)    Lightpen

Ans : (d)

12. ………….is an animated character that gives help in MS Office?

(a)    Office worker

(b)    Comic assistant

(c)     Office assistant

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

13. RAM is also called as

(a)    Read/Write Memory

(b)    Long Memory

(c)     Permanent Memory

(d)    Primary Memory

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

14. ……….Store data or information temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit

(a)    Address

(b)    Register

(c)     Number

(d)    Memory

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

15. Select the Odd one

(a)    Operating System

(b)    Interpreter

(c)     Compiler

(d)    Assembler

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

16. A is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu.

(a)    dialog box

(b)    submenu

(c)     menu selection

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

17. COBOL is an acronym for…………

(a)    Common Business Oriented Language

(b)    Computer Business Oriented Language

(c)     Common Business Operated Language

(d)    Common Business Organized Language

(e)    None of these          

Ans : (a)

18. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT :

(a)    hackers

(b)    spam

(c)     viruses

(d)    identify theft

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

19.  Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?

(a)    gathering data

(b)    processing data into information

(c)     analyzing the data or information

(d)    storing the data or information

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

20. All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT :

(a)    hard disk drives

(b)    printers

(c)     floppy disk drives

(d)    CD drives

(e)    Pen drives

Ans : (b)

21. The CPU and memory are located on the :

(a)    expansion board

(b)    motherboard

(c)     storage device

(d)    output device

(e)    display board

Ans : (b)

22. ……….is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do.

(a)    Nanoscience

(b)    Nanotechnology

(c)     Simulation

(d)    Artificial intelligence (AI)

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

23. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a :

(a)    network

(b)    mainframe

(c)     supercomputer

(d)    client

(e)    internet

Ans : (a)

24. When creating a computer program, the …………designs the structure of the program

(a)    End user

(b)    System Analyst

(c)     Programmer

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

25. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an

(a)    interpreter

(b)    simulator

(c)     compiler

(d)    commander

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

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