Friday, 11 December 2020

General Computer Test - 83


1. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to ………

(a)    680 KB

(b)    680 Bytes

(c)     680 MB

(d)    680 GB

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

2. Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?

(a)    Basic, COBOL, FORTRAN

(b)    Prolog 2, Expert Systems

(c)     Knowledge based systems

(d)    Assembly Languages

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

3. Which of the following devices have a limitation that we can only store information to it but cannot erase or modify it?

(a)    Floppy Disk

(b)    Hard Disk

(c)     Tape Drive

(d)    CDROM

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

4. Which of the following is the largest manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?

(a)    IBM

(b)    Seagate

(c)     Microsoft

(d)    3M

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

5. The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as

(a)    Hardware

(b)    Software

(c)     Firmware

(d)    ROM ware

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

6. To save a document in different location use :

(a)    Save

(b)    Save as

(c)     Save as web page

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

7. Which of the following is not an manufacturer of Hard Disk drives?

(a)    Samsung

(b)    Intel

(c)     Seagate

(d)    Western Digital

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

8. A disadvantage of the laser printer is :

(a)    It is quieter than an impact printer

(b)    It is very slow

(c)     The output is of a lower quality

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (e)

9. Different components, on the motherboard of a PC processor unit are linked together by sets or parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?

(a)    Conductors

(b)    Buses

(c)     Connectors

(d)    Connectively

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

10. Which of the following professions has been affected by personal computers?

(a)    Medical

(b)    Clerical and law

(c)     Accounting

(d)    All of these

(e) None of these

Ans : (d)

11. What is meant by a dedicated computer?

(a)    Which is used by one person only

(b)    Which is assigned one and only one task

(c)     Which uses one kind of software

(d)    Which is meant for application software

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

12. A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called a/an

(a)    Interpreter

(b)    CPU

(c)     Compiler

(d)    Simulator

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

13. Instructions and memory address are represented by

(a)    Character code

(b)    Binary codes

(c)     Binary word

(d)    Parity bit

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

14. As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are

(a)    More expensive

(b)    More portable

(c)     Less rigid

(d)    Slowly accessed

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

15. The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform

(a)    Arithmetic Operation

(b)    Logic operation

(c)     Fetch operations

(d)    Either of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

16. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as :

(a)    Path

(b)    Address bus

(c)     Route

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

17. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is :

(a)    Cylinder

(b)    Surface

(c)     Track

(d)    Cluster

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

18. Each model of a computer has a unique :

(a)    Assembly of a computer

(b)    Machine language

(c)     High level language

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

19. Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry?

(a)    Motorola

(b)    IBM

(c)     Intel

(d)    AMD

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

20. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU?

(a)    Mass memory         

(b)    Internal memory

(c)     Non-volatile memory

(d)    PROM

(e)    Flash memory

Ans : (b)

21. Microprocessors can be used to make

(a)    Computer

(b)    Digital systems

(c)     Calculators

(d)    All of these

(e)    None of these

Ans : (d)

22. The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of

(a)    Genetics

(b)    Control and communications

(c)     Molecular biology

(d)    Biochemistry

(e)    None of these

Ans : (b)

23. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer system is :

(a)    EFTS

(b)    MPG

(c)     MIPS

(d)    CFPS

(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

24. Which command is used to set a name to a disk in DOS?

(a)    VOLUME

(b)    VOL

(c)     LABEL


(e)    None of these

Ans : (c)

25. To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the menu and choose ‘Symbol’.

(a)    Insert

(b)    Format

(c)     Tools

(d)    Table

(e)    None of these

Ans : (a)

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