
Saturday, 30 January 2021

1 - Cyber Security (Maleware and Virus)




Malware is a catch-all term for any type of malicious software, regardless of how it works, its intent, or how it’s distributed. A virus is a specific type of malware that self-replicates by inserting its code into other programs. Viruses are a subcategory of malware.  Malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware and other malicious programs.


List of malwares which are generally categorized as computer viruses:

1.       Virus

2.       Worms

3.       Trojan horse

4.       Spam virus

5.       Spyware

6.       Zombies

7.       Ransomware

8.       Cryptojackers

Computer virus


VIRUS: Vital Information Resources Under Seize

A computer virus is a computer program or a piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and run against your consent. Virus has a property to replicate itself and spread itself from one computer to another computer. It can affect the data files, boot sector of hard drive etc. when its replication succeeds. The affected area is said infected.

The majority of viruses target systems running Microsoft window. To counter with viruses, programmers created anti-virus programs.

Viruses are human made programs generally write to access private information, corrupt data, to display political and humorous messages on the user's screen.


Types of Computer Viruses


1.       Boot Sector Viruses

2.       Multipartite Viruses

3.       Stealth Viruses

4.       Macro Viruses

5.       Polymorphic Viruses

6.       Activex Viruses

7.       Browser Hijacker

8.       Resident Viruses

9.       Non-Resident Virus 

10.   File Infector Viruses



Difference between Virus and Malware:




Vital Information Resources Under Seize

Malicious Software

A Virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file which can be harmless or can modify or delete data.

Malware is a program designed to gain access to computer systems, normally for the benefit of some third party, without the user’s permission.

Resident and Non -resident viruses are two types of Virus.

Malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware and other malicious programs.

Antivirus software are used for protection against viruses.

Antimalware software are used for protection against malware.

Virus is a type of Malware.

Malware contains several programs; virus is one of them.



Boot sector viruses

A boot sector virus is a type of virus that infects the boot sector of floppy disks or the Master Boot Record (MBR) of hard disks. The infected code runs when the system is booted from an infected disk, but once loaded it will infect other floppy disks when accessed in the infected computer. While boot sector viruses infect at a BIOS level, they use DOS commands to spread to other floppy disks. 


Multipartite computer virus

A multipartite also known as hybrid virus is a computer virus that's able to attack both the boot sector and executable files of an infected computer. Ghostball was the first multipartite virus discovered. The virus was discovered in October 1989, by Fridrik Skulason. Examples of multipartite viruses include Flip and Invader. A hybrid virus (sometimes called a multi-part or multipartite virus) is one that combines characteristics of more than one type to infect both program files and system sectors. 



Stealth viruses

A stealth virus is a type of virus malware that contains sophisticated means of avoiding detection by antivirus software. After it manages to get into the now-infected machine a stealth virus hides itself by continually renaming and moving itself around the disc. A stealth virus is complex malware that hides itself after infecting a computer.

Macro Virus

A macro virus is a computer virus written in the same macro language used for software programs, including Microsoft Excel or word processors such as Microsoft Word. When a macro virus infects a software application, it causes a sequence of actions to begin automatically when the application is opened. An example of a macro virus is the Melissa virus which appeared in March 1999. When a user opens a Microsoft Word document containing the Melissa virus, their computer becomes infected. 

Polymorphic viruses

This type of "shape shifting" virus produces malicious code that replicates itself endlessly and repeatedly changes its characteristics

The code changes itself each time it runs, but the function of the code will not change at all. For example, 1+3 and 6-2 both achieve the same result while using different values and operations. 

The first known polymorphic virus was written by Mark Washburn. The virus, called 1260, was written in 1990. 

ActiveX Viruses

ActiveX is a virus built into your browser. If you have it enabled, it allows any web page you look at to take over complete control of your computer and extract any information or insert any instructions the web page maintainer wants.


Browser Hijacker 

A browser hijacker is a malware program that modifies web browser settings without the user's permission and redirects the user to websites the user had not intended to visit.

Resident Virus 

A resident virus is a computer virus that stores itself within memory, allowing it to infect other files even when the originally infected program is no longer running. Being stored in memory allows the virus to spread easier because it has more access to other parts of the computer.

Non-Resident Virus 

A non-resident virus is a computer virus that does not store or execute itself from the computer memory. Executable viruses are an example of a non-resident virus.


File Infector Virus

A file infector virus is a type of virus that typically attaches to executable code, such as computer games and word processors. Once the virus has infected a file, it can spread to other programs, and even into other networks that utilize the infected files and programs.



 A computer worm is a type of malware that spreads copies of itself from computer to computer. A worm can replicate itself without any human interaction, and it does not need to attach itself to a software program in order to cause damage. It is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself

Trojan Horse 

A Trojan horse (or simply trojan) is any malware which misleads users of its true intent. It is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but can take control of your computer.


Difference between Worms and Virus :




Trojan Horse 

A Worm is a form of malware that replicates itself and can spread to different computers via Network.

A Virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file which can be harmless or can modify or delete data.

Trojan Horse rather than replicate capture some important information about a computer system or a computer network.

The main objective of worms to eat the system resources.

The main objective of virus is to modify the information.

The main objective of Trojan horse to steal the information.

It doesn’t need a host to replicate from one computer to another.


It require host is needed for spreading.

Trojan horse does not replicate itself.

It is less harmful as compared.


It is more harmful.

It is more harmful.

Worms can be detected and removed by the Antivirus and firewall.

Antivirus software are used for protection against viruses.

Trojan can be detected and removed by the Antivirus and firewall.

Worms can be controlled by remote.

Virus can’t be controlled by remote.

Trojan horse can also be controlled by remote.

Worms are executed via weaknesses in system.

Viruses are executed via executable files.

Trojan horse executes through a program and interprets as utility software.

Morris Worm, Storm Worm and SQL Slammer,  ILOVEYOU, Michelangelo, and MSBlast are some of the examples of worms.

Resident and Non -resident viruses are two types of Virus.

A friend might have sent an email with an attachment. The user will expect that it's something important and download it. They'll open the file and there the problem starts.

It does not needs human action to replicate.


It needs human action to replicate.

It needs human action to replicate.

Its spreading speed is faster.

Its spreading speed is slower as compared.

Spreading rate of Trojan horse is slow in comparison of both virus and worms.





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