
Sunday, 24 January 2021

List of Python with CS practical for class 12


List of Python with CS practical for class 12 

Part – 1 Python with CS

1)     WAP in Python to find the factorial of a number using function.

2)     WAP in Python to implement default and positional parameters.

3)     Write a program in Python to input the value of x and n and print the sum of the following series

1+x+x^2+x^3+ ----------------x^n

4)     WAP in Python to read a text file and print the number of vowels and consonants in the file.

5)     WAP in Python to read a text file and print the line or paragraph starting with the letter ‘S’

6)     WAP in Python to read a text fileand print the number of uppercase and lowercase letters in the file.

7)     WAP in Python to create a binaryfile with name and roll number of the students. Search for a given roll numberand display the name of student.

8)     Create a binary file with roll_no,name and marks of some students and update the marks of specific student.

9)     Create a binary file with eid, ename and salary and update the salary of the employee.

10)  Create a text file and remove the lines from the file which contains letter ‘K’

11)  Create a binary file with 10 random numbers from 1 to 40 and print those numbers.

12)  Write a program in Python to create a CSV file with the details of 5 students.

13)  WAP in Python to read a CSV file.

14)  Write a menu driven program which insert, delete and display the details of an employee such as eid, ename and salary using Stack.

15)  Write a menu driven program which insert, delete and display the details of a book such as book_id, book_name and price using Stack.

16)  Write a menu driven program which insert, delete and display the details of a student such as roll_no, sname and course using Stack.

17)  Write a menu driven program which insert, delete and display the details of a movie such as movie_id, mname and rating using Stack.

18)  Write a menu driven program which insert, delete and display the details of a product such as pid, pname and price using Stack.

19)  Write a menu driven program which insert, delete and display the details of a club such as club_id, cname and city using Stack.

20)  Write a menu driven program to demonstrate add, display, update, delete and exit. Performed on a table Book containing (bid, bname, bprice) through python-MySql connectivity.

21)  Write a menu driven program to demonstrate add, display, update, delete and exit. Performed on a table Product containing (pid, pname, price) through python-MySql connectivity.

22)  Write a menu driven program to demonstrate add, display, update, delete and exit. Performed on a table club containing (club_id, cname, city) through python-MySql connectivity.

23)  Write a menu driven program to demonstrate add, display, update, delete and exit. Performed on a table student containing (sid, sname, course) through python-MySql connectivity.

24)  Write a menu driven program to demonstrate add, display, update, delete and exit. Performed on a table movie containing (mid, mname, rating) through python-MySql connectivity.

25)  Write a menu driven program to demonstrate add, display, update, delete and exit. Performed on a table Employee containing (eid, ename, salary) through python-MySql connectivity.

Part – 2 MYSQL

SQL Practical

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