
Friday, 23 April 2021

TGT/PGT Computer Science Marks Distribution

DSSSB TGT/PGT Computer Science Marks Distribution for Computer Science





Marks/No. of Questions

S. No.





Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture

(Number System, Gates, Combinational and Sequential Circuit, Synchronous and Asynchronous, Registers, Memory, Clock Cycle etc. Addressing Mode, Instruction and its Types, Instruction format, DMA, Interrupt, and Pipelining etc.)

10 - 12




(Introduction, Functional, Partial, Transitive, Join Dependencies, Keys, Normal Form, Indexing, Lossy and Lossless, Transaction Properties and its Types, Serial and Non Serial Schedule, DBMS Model, E-R Model, SQL Queries and Constraints, Relational Algebra, Concurrency Control, OLAP, OLTP, Data Mining etc.)

8 - 10



Operating System

(Introduction and types, Process Management, Process State, PCB, CPU Scheduling, Thread Model and Its Types, Resource Management, Critical Section, Process Synchronization, Semaphore, RAG, Banker’s Algorithm, Application of Process Synchronization, Memory Management, Contiguous – Fixed Size and Variable Size, Memory Allocation Algorithm, Non – Contiguous – Paging, Segmentation, Internal and External Fragmentation, Virtual Memory, Threshing, Page Fault and Page Replacement Algorithms, TLB, Cache Level, File Management – Track, Sector, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Seek Time, Latency Time etc., MBR, VBR, File System

8 - 10

14 - 16


UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows

(Unix, Linux History, Difference and Properties, Unix Like OS, Unix/Linux File Structure, Version, Commands of Linux and MS-DOS, Internal and External Commands, System Calls, Kernel, Process ID , Environment Variables, Editors and Shells, Windows History and Version, Windows File Manager, Device Manager etc.)

3 - 4

6 - 7


General Computer and Business Computing

(History and Introduction of Computer, Types of Computer, Types of Software and Hardware, Application, System and Utilities Software, Input, Output, CPU and Memory Devices, Memory Unit, Speed Measurement of CPU, Super Computer, History and Types of Super Computer, Generation of Computer, MS-Office – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Android, IoS, Windows, DOS.

B2B, B2C, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Cloud Computing, AI, IoT, VR, AR, Grid Computing, QR Code, Banking Computing Terms Like NEFT, IMPS, RTGS etc.)

5 - 7

8 - 10



(Introduction, Tokens, Operators Associativity and Precedence, Conditional and Looping Statements, Array, Pointer, Function, String, Structure, Union, Enum, OOPS  - Object, Class, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Constructor, Destructor, Polymorphism, Storage Classes, File Handling)

8 - 10

12 - 14



(JRE, JVM, JIT, JDK, Types of Variables, Abstract classes, Interface, Packages, Multithreading, Loop, if, else, Inheritance, Constructor, this, super, Exception Handling, Array, String etc.)

4 - 5

6 - 8


Data Structure

(Introduction and Types of Data Structure, Linear and Non-Linear, Array – Address Calculation of 1D and 2D Array, Sorting and Searching, Linked List, Stack, Polish Notation, Queue, Tree and Its Types – Preorder, In-order, Post-order, Level – Order,  Graph, Spanning Tree and MST Algo, Types of Graphs, Shortest Path Algorithm of Graph, Algorithm and Its Types, Complexity of Algo, Recursion Algo, Master Method, Hashing, Heap, Linear and Greedy Algorithms and its types and applications)

10 - 12




(Introduction, Tokens, Mutable and Immutable Objects, Sequence, if, elif, else, for, while, range(), List – function, methods and slicing, Tuple, Dictionary, String, Modules – random, math, statistics etc.)

5 - 6

8 - 10


Networking and Internet Security

(Network and Its Type, Topologies, Internet, Intranet, Extranet, IP Address, IPv4, IPv6, Classless, Classfull address, Physical Address, Subnetting, Subnet Mask, Subnet and Broadcast Address, Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast, Simplex, Half Duplex, Full Duplex, Networking Devices – Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Modem , Router, ISDN, FDDI, DSL, Ethernet and Its Std., OSI and TCP/IP Model, Guided and UnGuided Media, Protocols and Its Types. ALOHA, Bit Rate, Baud Rate, Error and Flow Control Protocols, Multiplexing, Hamming Code and Distance, CRC, Check Sum etc. X.25, DNS, Gateway, Hosting, Encryption, Decryption and Encryption Algo. etc.

Virus, Anti-Virus, Worms, Trojan, Spamming, Pharming, Phishing, Spamming, Firewall, Cyber Attack, Cyber Law, Hacker, Cracker etc.

10 - 12



Web Designing(HTML, CSS, JS, XML)

(HTML Tags – With Category, CSS – Selectors, Box Model, All Properties, How to use CSS in HTML, XML – Difference B/W HTML, SGML, XML, XML Tags, Attributes, Valid and Well Formed XML, Prolog, Namespace, Style sheet etc. Java Script – History and Basics, Variables, Loops, Conditional, Function, Data Types, Operators, Array, Objects, String, Events, DOM, HTML and JS Interface, Popup and Dialog Boxes etc.)

8 - 10

12 - 14


VBScript, VB, ASP & VB.NET

(JS vs VBScript Vs VB, Variable , Data Types, Scope of Variables, Functions and Procedures, Events, Array, String, Dialog Boxes, etc., ASP and .NET Framework, ASP.NET with VB, Windows form of VB.NET, Windows and Web Controls and those Properties, Servers, Comments in VB etc.)

4 - 5

6 - 8



(Introduction and Types, Objects of Multimedia and Hypermedia, (Images, Audio files, Video Files) and Its types – full form and extensions, Paint, Photoshop, Flash, Authoring Tools)

5 - 7

8 - 10


Software Engineering and SAD

(Introduction, SDLC, SRS,  SDLC Model, COCOMO, CMM, Testing and Its Type, Coupling and Its Type, Cohesion with Types, Pair Programming, Agile Model, VCS, Cyclomatic Complexity, UML –  Structural, Behavioral, Arch. Modeling, and Its Diagram., Use Case etc.

SAD – Compiler, Assembler, Interpreter, Loader, Lexical, Syntax and Semantic Analysis, Linker, Loader, Flow Chart, System and Its Type. PERT, CPM, HIPO, Interviews, Questionnaires’ and Requirement Gathering Techniques, Decision Tree etc.)

2 - 3

6  - 9

Note: Marks and No. of Question may be vary -3 to +2 

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