HTML Phrase tag
Abbreviation tag : <abbr>
- <p>An <abbr title = "Hypertext Markup language">HTML </abbr>language is used to create web pages. </p>
Acronym tag: <acronym> (not supported in HTML5)
Marked tag: <mark>
The content written between <mark> and </mark> tag will show as yellow mark on browser. This tag is used to highlight a particular text.
Strong tag: <strong>
Emphasized tag : <em>
Definition tag: <dfn>
When you use the <dfn> and </dfn> tags, it allow to specify the keyword of the content.
- <p><dfn>HTML </dfn> is a markup language. </p>
Quoting tag: <blockquote>
The HTML <blockquote> element shows that the enclosed content is quoted from another source. The Source URL can be given using the cite attribute, and text representation of source can display using <cite> ..... </cite>element.
- <blockquote cite=""><p>?The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.?</p></blockquote>
- <cite>-Mark Caine</cite>
Short quote tag : <q>
An HTML <q> ....... </q> element defines a short quotation. If you will put any content between <q> ....... </q>, then it will enclose the text in double quotes.
Code tag: <code>
The HTML <code> </code> element is used to display the part of computer code. It will display the content in monospaced font.
- <p>First Java program</p>
- <p><code>class Simple{ public static void main(String args[]){
- System.out.println("Hello Java"); }} </code>
- </p>
Keyboard tag: <kbd>
In HTML the keyboard tag, <kbd>, indicates that a section of content is a user input from keyboard.
- <p>Please press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + t<kbd></kbd> to restore page on chrome.</p>
Address tag: <address>
An HTML <address> tag defines the contact information about the author of the content. The content written between <address> and </address> tag, then it will be displayed in italic font.
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