1. Group of computers
connected to share resources within Local Area environment constitute a :
(a) Workstation
(b) Workgroup
(c) Network
(d) Server
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2. Which of the
following e-mail address is incorrect?
(a) abcd_123@xyz.com
(b) abc(4)123#xyz.com
(c) 123abc@xyz.com
(d) 1@xyz.com
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
3. We can save our
favourite websites in a browser as :
(a) favourites
(b) save
(c) bookmark
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
4. The purpose of
using computers in an organization is………..
(a) To be able to get on the internet
(b) To process data into information
(c) To produce reports, text, images, etc.
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
5. Documentation
while developing a software for a bank is required for :
(a) Editing
(b) Auditing
(c) Correction
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
6. A computer checks
the………..of user names and passwords for a match before granting access.
(a) website
(b) database
(c) backup file
(d) network
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
7. Which of the
following phases are present in a software development life cycle?
(a) Coding
(b) Analysis
(c) Design
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
8. Which of the
following is not a correct match?
(a) Oracle – Larry Ellison
(b) Microsoft – Bill Gates
(c) Wipro – Azim Premji
(d) Infosys – Nandan Nilekani
(e) HCL – Shiv Nadar
Ans : (d)
9. Which of the
following is to be done by the auditor while internet banking services audit?
(a) Tour the server room
(b) The user is not allowed to log – in after defined repeated failed attempts
(c) Contract clearly states the services that will be provided by the vendor
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
10. The facility to
reduce the Taskbar to thin line when the taskbar or Start button is not in use is called as :
(a) Hide
(b) Disable
(c) Auto Hide
(d) Disappear
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
11. A CD-ROM disk :
(a) cannot be erased and rewritten
(b) has more storage capacity than a CD-RW
(c) holds less data than a floppy disk
(d) can be written to only once
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
12. What is the main
folder on a storage device called?
(a) Platform
(b) Interface
(c) Root Directory
(d) Home Page
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
13. If you are going
to a site you use often, instead of having to type in the address every time,
you should :
(a) save it as a file
(b) make a copy of it
(c) book mark it
(d) delete it
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
14. RAM
(a) volatile, temporary
(b) non-volatile, permanent
(c) non-volatile, temporary
(d) volatile, permanent
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
15. The box that
contains the central electronic components of the computer is the :
(a) motherboard
(b) system unit
(c) peripheral
(d) input device
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
16. What menu is
selected to cut, copy, and paste?
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) Tools
(d) Table
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
17. A program that
converts a high-level language source file into a machine-language file is called
a :
(a) translator
(b) assembler
(c) compiler
(d) linker
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
18. The……….indicates
how much data a particular storage medium can hold.
(a) access
(b) capacity
(c) memory
(d) storage
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
19. A(n) is created
by an application.
(a) executable file
(b) software program
(c) document
(d) operating system
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
20. The………….key and
the………key can be used in combination with other keys to perform shortcuts and special tasks.
(a) Control, Alt
(b) Function, toggle
(c) Delete, insert
(d) Caps Lock, Num lock
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
21. What is a file?
(a) A file is a section of main storage used to store data
(b) A file is a collection of information that given a name and is stored in secondary memory
(c) A file is the part of a program used to what the program should do
(d) A file is another name for floppy disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
22. Applications are
often referred to as :
(a) data files
(b) executable files
(c) system software
(d) the operating system
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
23. The primary
output device for computers is a :
(a) video monitor
(b) printer
(c) keyboard
(d) mouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
24. Compartibility in
regard to computers refers to :
(a) the software doing the right job for the user
(b) it being versatile enough to handle the job
(c) the software being able to run on the computer
(d) software running with other previously installed software
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
25. Output which is
made up of pictures, sounds, and video is called :
(a) COM
(b) hard copy
(c) graphics
(d) multimedia
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)