Sunday, 13 December 2020

General Computer Test - 137


1. Which of the following memory is volatile

a. RAM

b. ROM



2. The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured is

a. ROM

b. RAM



3. Which memory is non volatile and may be written only once.

a. RAM




4. Which of the following statements is wrong

a. magnetic core memory, RAMs and ROMs have constant access time

b. magnetic tape is non volatile

c. semiconductor memories are used as mass memory medium

d. An EPROM can be programmed, erased and reprogrammed by the user with an EPROM programming instrument

5. The fastest type of memory is

a. tape

b. semiconductor memory

c. disk

 d. bubble memory

6. In magnetic disks data is organized on the platter in a concentric sets or rings called

a. sector

 b. track

c. head

 d. block

7. When we move from the outer most track to the innermost track in a magnetic disk, the density

a. increases

 b. decreases

c. remains the same

d. either remains constant or decreases

8. Which of the following device can be used to directly input printed text

a. OCR

b. Mouse

c. MIC

 d. Joystick

9. Which device can draw continuous lines

a. daisy wheel

 b. plotter

c. chain printer

d. impact printer

10. In which storage device, recording is done by burning tiny pits on a circular disk

a. punched cards

 b. floppy disk

c. magnetic tape

d. optical disk

11. Which of the following printers uses light beam and electrostatically sensitive black powder

a. dot matric printer

 b. daisy wheel printer

c. chain printer

 d. laser printer

12. The primary purpose of an operating system is

a. to make the most efficient use of the computer hardware

b. to allow people to use the computer

c. to keep system programmers employed

d. to make computers fast.

13. The operating system manages

a. memory

 b. processor

c. disk and I/O devices

d. all of the above

14. Scheduling is

a. allowing job to use the processor

b. unrelated performance considerations

c. quiet simple to implement, even on large main frames

d. the same regardless of the purpose of the system

15. Which of the following translator program converts assembly language program to object program

a. assembler

b. compiler

c. macroprocessor

d. linker

16. Multiprogramming systems

a. are easier to develop than single programming systems

b. execute each job faster

c. execute more jobs in the same time period

d. use only one large mainframe computer

17. What device is used for entering x – y cordinates

a. card reader

 b. joystick

c. keyboard

 d. all of the above

18. Impact printers

a. strike a ribbon against the paper to produce character images.

b. include ink-jet and thermal devices

c. are more expensive than laser printers

d. use optical technology

19. Bar codes stores information using

a. punched holes

 b. dots

c. thick and thin tines

 d. all of the above

20. How many types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory

a. 8

b. 4

c. 3

 d. 2

21. In comparison to the internal (main) memory, tape or disk memory is

a. slower and more expensive

b. slower and less expensive

c. faster and more expensive

d. faster and less expensive

22. One of the main features that distinguish microprocessor from microcomputers is

a. words are usually larger in microprocessors

b. words are shorter in microprocessors

c. microprocessor doesnot contain I/O devices

d. computers are not fully integrated

23. microprocessor with 'n' address lines is capable of addressing

a. 2n locations

 b. 2(n + 1)locations

c. 2n locations

 d. n2 locations

24. Which technique is preferable for transferring a large amount of data to and from a memory in a short time

a. DMA

 b. Interrupt driven I/O

c. programmed I/O

 d. None of these

25. Boolean expression for the output of X-NOR (equivalence) logic gate with inputs A and B is

a. AB  AB

 b. AB AB

c. (A  B) (A  B)

 d. (A  B) (A  B)

1. a 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b

6. b 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. d 11. d 12. a 13. d 14. a 15. b 16. c

17. b 18. a 19. c 20. d 21. b 22. c 23. c 24 a 25. c

General Computer Test - 136


1. A four bit number is given as 1001. Its 1's complement is

a. 1001

 b. 11001

c. 0110

 d. 0101

2. 2's complement representation of a decimal number -4 is

a. 0100

b. 1100

c. 1011

d. 1010

3. BCD numbers are obtained

a. by converting decimal number to binary

b. by converting decimal to octal

c. when each decimal digit is represented by four bit binary

d. by converting binary to decimal.

4. A gate in which all inputs must be low to get a high output is called

a. an inverter

 b. a NOR gate

c. an AND gate

 d. a NAND gate

5. For a logical circuit there are 'n' binary inputs. Then the number of different input combinations in the truth table is

a. 2n

 b. 2/n

c. 2n

 d. 2(n+1)

6. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation

a. Satellite

 b. modem

c. fiber optic

 d. amplifier

7. A characteristic of multiprogramming system is

 a. simultaneous execution of program instructions from two applications

b. concurrent processing of two or more programs

c. multiple CPU's

d. all of the above

8. Communication circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are operating in

a. simplex mode

 b. half-duplex mode

c. full-duplex mode

 d. asynchronous mode

9. Operating system functions may include

a. input/output contro

l b. virtual storage

c. multiprogramming

d. all of the above

10. Transmission of computerised data from one location to another is called

a. data transfer

 b. data flow

c. data communication

 d. datamanagement

11. Which of the following items is not used in LAN

a. computers

 b. modem

c. printer

 d. cable

12. Which is the device that converts compuer output into a form that can be transmitted over a telephone line

a. teleport

 b. multiplexer

c. concentrator

 d. modem

13. What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission

a. bytes per second

 b. bits per second

c. baud

 d. either b or d

14. A kilobyte also referred to as KB, is equal to

a. 1000 bytes

 b. 1024 bytes

c. 2048 bytes

 d. 512 bytes

15. Inputs to your computer is accomplished using the

a. Screen

 b. keyboard

c. printer

 d. plotter

16. Which of the following is not used as secondary storage

a. Semiconductor memory

b. magnetic disks

c. magnetic drums

d. magnetic tapes

17. A collection of wires that connects several device is called

a. link

 b. bus

c. cable

d. port

18.  A offline device is

a. a device which is not connected to CPU

b. a device which is connected to CPU

c. a device which is in breakdown stage

d. None of these

19. Which of the following is the fastest

a. CPU

b. magnetic tapes and disks

c. video terminal

d. sensors, mechanical controllers

20. Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed and short amount of time after specifying its address is called

a. sequential access memory

b. random access memory

c. secondary memory

d. mass storage

21. The register which contains the data to be written into or read out of the addressed location is known as

a. index register

b. memory address register

c. memory data register

d. program counter

22. The register which keeps track of the execution of a program and which contains the memory address of the next instruction to be executed is known as

a. index register

 b. instruction register

c. memory address register

d. program counter

23. Which of the following is used as storage locations both in the ALU and in the control section of a computer

a. accumulator

 b. register

c. adder

 d. decoder

24. Accumulator is a

a. hardwired unit

b. sequential circuit

c. finite state machine

d. register

25. Non volatility is an important advantage of

a. CCDs

b. magnetic tapes and disks

c. magnetic bubbles

 d. both b and c

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. b

9. d 10. c 11. b 12. d 13. d 14. b 15. b 16. a 17. b 18. a 19. a

20. b 21. c 22. d 23. b 24. d 25. d

General Computer Test - 135


1. Which of the following is the product of data processing

a. information

 b. data

c. software program

d. system

2. The process of putting data into a storage location is called

a. reading

 b. writing

c. controlling

d. hand shaking

3. The process of copying data from a memory location is called

a. reading

 b. writing

c. controlling

 d. booting

4. A list of instructions used by a computer is called

a. program

 b. CPU

c. text

 d. output

5. The CPU consists of

a. input, output and processing

b. control unit, primary storage and secondary storage

c. Control unit; arithmetic logic unit and primary storage

d. input, processing and storage

6. Which of the following is true about primary storage

a. it is a part of the CPU

b. It allows very fast access to data

c. It is relatively more expensive

d. all of the above

7. Which of the following is the most powerful type of the computer

a. main frame

 b. super conductor

c. micro computer

 d. super computer

8. Software instruction intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called

a. system software

 b. process software

c. documentation

 d. application software

9. The computer device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the

a. CRT

 b. line printer

c. computer console

d. card reader

10. Which one of the following can produce the final product of machine processing in a form usable by humans

a. storage

 b. control

c. input device

 d. output device

11. The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following

a. logic

b. storage

c. input device

 d. output device

12. A program written in machine language is called ........ program.

a. object

 b. computer

c. assembler

 d. high level

13. A source program is the program written in .......... language.

a. English

 b. symbolic

c. high level

 d. object

14. A typical modern computer uses

a. magnetic cores for secondary storage

b. LSI chips

c. magnetic tape for primary memory

d. more than 10,000 vaccum tubes

15. A collection of 8 bits is called

a. byte

 b. record

c. word

 d. nibble

16. General purpose computers are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its

a. output device

 b. input device

c. processor

 d. program

17. The current generation of computers

a. second

b. fifth

c. fourth

 d. third

18. The boolean expression (A  C) (B  C) simplifies to

a. C  AB

b. C(A  B)

c. BC  A

d. None of these

19. To implement all functions of the basic logic functions, it needs

a. OR gate

 b. NOT gate

c. AND and NOT gates

d. None of these

20. In the binary number 110.101, the fractional part has the value

a. 0.625

 b. 0.125

c. 0.875

 d. 0.5

21. The value of binary 1111 is

a. 23-1

b. 24

c. 24- 1

 d. None of these

22. The value of 25 in octal system is

a. 20

b. 40

c. 400

d. None of these

23. A hexa decimal number 'AO' has the decimal value

a. 80

 b. 256

 c. 100

 d. 160

24. The binary representation of hexadecimal 'C3' is

a. 1111

 b. 110011

c. 110001

 d. 11000011

25. The ASCII code is for information interchange by a binary code for

a. numbers only

 b. alphabets only

c. alphanumeric and other common symbols

d. None of these

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. d 9. b 10. d 11. b

12. a 13. c 14. b 15. a 16. d 17. c 18. a 19. c 20. a 21. c 22. b

23. d 24. d 25. c

Saturday, 12 December 2020

General Computer Test - 134


1. A computer possesses information

(a) As directed by the operator

(b) Automatically

(c) At once

(d) Gradually and eventually

(e) By truncating

ANS: b

2. Pick up the false statement

(a) Computer can manipulate both numeric and non-numeric symbols

(b) Computer errors can usually be traced to faulty programs or inaccurate input data

(c) The facts or informational raw materials represented by numeric and non-numeric symbols are called information

(d) The space in the primary storage section is divided into four areas: input, working,

storage, output and program storage.

(e) Information is the relevant knowledge that results from the processing and arranging of data in an ordered and useful form.

ANS: c

3. Processors of all computers, whether micro, mini or mainframe must have

(a) ALU

(b) Primary storage

(c) Control Unit

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

4. Pick up the correct statement about computers

(a) Computers process data with human intervention after the program has been fed

(b) All comparisons are made in the control section

(c) The arithmetic-logic section of the CPU selects, interprets and executes the program steps.

(d) The secondary storage devices are usually connected on line to the CPU but for accepting data from them or returning data to them, human intervention is required.

(e) Computers have the built-in ability to obey different types of instructions.

ANS: e

5. Real time computing is possible because of the following characteristic of computer

(a) Storage capability

(b) High speed

(c) Accuracy

(d) Versatility

(e) Automatic in execution

ANS: b

6. Pick out the wrong statement about modern computer systems.

(a) These are simple and easy to take care of

 (b) Even beginners, untrained persons can safely handle them

(c) They require a highly disciplined approach

(d) it is important to understand the proper handling of each element and proper overall

procedures must be followed

(e) The negligent use of a computer system will almost always introduce time bombs into the system.

ANS: b

7. A collection of eight bits is called:

(a) Byte

(b) Word

(c) Record

(d) file

(e) None of the above

ANS: a


8. Choose the incorrect statement about micro computers, mini-computers, etc.

(a) A microcomputer can be placed on a single silicon chip

(b) A minicomputer can have more processing capability than a mainframe model

(c) A microcomputer chip performs the arithmetic-logic and control functions of a microcomputer

(d) ROM chips may be used in micros to permanently store program instruction

(e) Most micros use rigid disk storage devices rather than floppy disk drives.

ANS: e

9. Control Unit of a digital computer is often called the

(a) Lock

(b) Nerve center

 (c) ICs

(d) all of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: b

10. Pick up the correct statement

(a) Most mainframes are 48-bit machines

(b) Thousands of super computers are currently being built

(c) Super-computers are usually designed to process accounting applications

(d) Mainframes may have multiprocessor components that permit several tasks to be processed at the same instant in time

(e) Minicomputers cannot use high-speed buffer storage components and are thus always slower than mainframe models.

ANS: d

11. The following acronym recognizes the fact that "computer errors" can usually be traced to incorrect input data or unreliable programs

(a) IGO

(b) FIFO

(c) LIFO

(d) DASD

(e) ROM

ANS: a

12. Group of instructions that directs a computer is called

(a) Storage

(b) Memory

 (c) Logic

(d) Program

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

13. Which of the following does not describe one or more characteristics of a computer?

(a) Electronic

(b) External storage

(c) Stored program

(d) Program modification at execution

(e) All of the above are characteristics.

ANS: d

14. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) The smart approach to using computers is to write programs

(b) Knowledge of the system development life cycle is not important to operators who use

computers without programming

(c) Hands-on exposure to the computer is not helpful to those who write programs

(d) Personal computers have been an important contributing factor in the movement toward using computers without programming

(e) None of the above is true.

ANS: d


15. Which can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use?

(a) Logic

(b) Storage

(c) Control

 (d) Input device

(e) Output device

ANS: d

16. Software instruction intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called

(a) System software

(b) A microcomputer

(c) Documentation

(d) Applications software

(e) All of the above.

ANS: d

17. Which kind of hardware is used the most in the input phase of a computer based information system?

(a) Keyboard

(b) Printer

(c) Monitor

(d) Hard disk

(e) Floppy disk

ANS: a

18. Which of the following is not a factor when categorizing a computer?

(a) Amount of main memory the CPU can use

(b) Capacity of the storage devices

(c) Cost of the system

(d) Where it was purchased

(e) Speed of the output device

ANS: d

19. Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer?

(a) Super micro

(b) Super conductor

(c) Microcomputer

(d) Super computer

(e) Mega frame

ANS: d

20. Which of the following people probably has the least amount of technical knowledge?

(a) Programmer

(b) User

(c) System analyst

(d) Computer operator

(e) Computer professional

ANS: b

21. Which kind of storage device can be carried around?

(a) Floppy disk

(b) Hard disk

(c) System cabinet

(d) Hard disk drive

(e) Floppy disk drive

ANS: a

22. Which of the following terms applies to communication between separate computer systems?

(a) Computer literacy

(b) Power supply

(c) Applications software

(d) Connectivity

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

23. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) consists of:

(a) Input, output and processing

(b) Control unit, primary storage & secondary storage

(c) Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit, primary storage

(d) Control unit, processing, and primary storage

(e) None of the above

ANS: c

24. This is the part of the computer system that one can touch.

A) hardware

B) data

C) software

D) input


25. There are __________ parts to a computer system

A) 2

B) 4

C) 16

D) hundreds of


General Computer Test - 133


1. The daily processing of corrections to customer accounts best exemplifies the processing mode of:

(a) Batch processing

(b) Real-time processing

(c) Interactive processing

(d) All of the above.

ANS: a

2. The data processing job expected to further decreases in the 1990s is that of:

(a) Keypuncher

 (b) Data entry clerk

(c) Computer operator

(d) Programmer

ANS: a

3. Which is a unit of measurement used with computer systems?

(a) Byte

(b) Kilobyte

(c) Megabyte

(d) Gigabyte

(e) All of the above.

ANS: e

4. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) Analysts usually work alone and sometimes as part of a team

(b) Most systems projects are completed in 6-12 weeks

(c) An analyst's primary concern is the development of software

(d) Analysts evaluate data flow through an organization.

ANS: d

5. In computer terminology, information means

(a) Raw data

(b) Data in more useful or intelligible form

(c) Alphanumeric data

(d) program

ANS: b

6. A computer programmer

(a) does all the thinking for a computer

(b) can enter input data quickly

(c) can operate all types of computer equipment

(d) can draw only flowchart.

ANS: a

7. A character is represented in EBCDIC by:

(a) one bit

(b) four bits

(c) eight bits

(d) sixteen bits

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

8. Most of the errors blamed on computers are actually due to

(a) Programming errors

(b) Hardware fatigue

(c) Defects in floppy disks

(d) Data entry errors.

ANS: d

9. Which is a secondary memory device?

 (a) CPU

(b) ALU

(c) Floppy disk

(d) Mouse

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

10. Which is the most significant difference between a simple desk calculator and computer? Choose from the following (note that some of the following may not even be true).

(a) The computer is an electronic machine while the desk calculator may or may not be electronic

(b) The computer is useful in business applications while the desk calculator is not

(c) The computer can print its results, while the desk calculator can only show it on a display

(d) The computer is controlled by a program stored in its memory while calculator require step-by-step manual control

(e) One has to know the method of calculation while using a calculator but a computer user can depend upon the computer to choose the method automatically.

ANS: d

11. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer systems is:

(a) EFTS

(b) MPG

(c) MIPS

(d) CPS

ANS: c

12. RAM is used as a short memory because it

(a) is volatile

(b) is very expensive

(c) has small capacity

(d) is programmable

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

13. General purpose computes are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its.

(a) keyboard

(b) printer

(c) program

(d) display screen

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

14. Which is the computer memory that does not forget?

(a) ROM

(b) RAM

(c) PROM

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

15. The Santa Clara Valley near Palo Alto, California is popularly known as Silicon Valley of America because

 (a) huge deposits of silicon are found there

(b) many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there

(c) Santa Claus visits it every Christmas

(d) it is full of large grain sand

ANS: b

16. Computers are incapable of emotional feelings. However, some people attribute humanlike emotions to imitate objects including computers. What is it called?

(a) anthropogenesis

(b) anthropomorphism

(c) anthroolatory

(d) cybernetics

ANS: b

17. According to you, which of the following statement is incorrect?

(a) Generally, computers don't make mistakes

(b) Computers can think

(b) Computers eliminate jobs

(d) Maths is necessary to understand computers

ANS: b

18. The most common binary code in use today is the 8 bit ASCII code. What do the letters ASCII stand for?

(a) American Standard Code for International Interchange

(b) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

(c) American Standard Code for Intelligence interchange

(d) American Scientific Code for Information Interchange

 (e) None of the above.

ANS: b

19. A computer derives its basic strength from

(a) Speed

(b) Accuracy

(c) Memory

(d) all of the above

(e) None of the above

ANS: d

20. Modern computers compared to earlier computers are

(a) Faster and larger

(b) Less reliable

(c) Larger and stronger

(d) Slower but more reliable

(e) Faster and smaller

ANS: e

21. The use of computer for business applications is attractive because of its

(a) Accuracy

(b) Reliability

(c) Speed

(d) Secret code facility

(e) All of the above

ANS: e

22. A computer is capable of performing almost any task, provided that it can be

(a) Coded

(b) Memorized

(c) Analyzed

(d) Reduced to a series of logical steps

(e) Changed top mathematics equation

ANS: d

23. A BIT represents a

(a) Decimal digit

(b) Octal digit

(c) Binary digit

(d) Hexadecimal digit

ANS: c

24. A computer has very high speed, accuracy and reliability. Its intelligence quotient could be of the order of

(a) 100

(b) 0

(c) 50

(d) 200

(e) 99.99

ANS: b

25. Computer cannot do anything without a

 (a) Chip

(b) Memory

(c) Output device

(d) Program

(e) None of the above

ANS: d

General Computer Test - 132


1. Which of the following is not currently a topic in computer science?

(a) speech recognition

(b) artificial intelligence

(c) thermodynamics

(d) multiprocessing

ANS: c

2. Which of the following isn't used in the storage phase of a computer-based information system?

(a) magnetic

(b) keyboard

(c) diskette

(d) hard disk

(e) None of the above.

ANS: b

3. In March 1991, Hanover in Germany hosted an outstanding exhibition of information technology covering computer software, office automation, personal computers, telecommunications, security equipment etc. along with C-technologies. What is meant by C-technologies?

(a) CAD

(b) CAM

(c) CIM

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

4. The availability of low-price mini-computers is largely responsible for the current interest in

(a) real-time processing

(b) batch processing

(c) distributed processing

(d) transaction processing

ANS: c

5. A digital computer is superior to an analog computer in terms of

(a) cost, speed and space requirements

(b) cost, accuracy and versatility

(c) cost, speed and accuracy

(d) All of the above.

ANS: b

6. A name or number used to identify it a storage location is called.

(a) a byte

(b) a record

(c) an address

(d) all of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

7. A word processor is used for

(a) scientific and engineering calculations

 (b) producing graphs, charts and maps

(c) routine office correspondence

(d) business calculations

ANS: c

8. Abacus was first of all used by the country

(a) USA

(b) Japan

(c) China

(d) France

ANS: c

9. The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical & punctuation characters used in Electronic Data Processing system is called



(c) BCD

(d) all of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

10. Ergonomics is study of

(a) cost, relationship between computer hard-ware and software

(b) different computer operating systems

(c) gradation of various computer professionals

(d) human aspect of the environment around the computer system

ANS: d

11. To process data, the data processing machines need to be feed with

(a) only data

(b) only instructions

(c) both data and instructions

(d) None of the above.

ANS: c

12. In which of the following terminals the screen is regarded as an array of pixels, where each pixel is either on or off?

(a) character map terminal

(b) bit map terminal

(c) RS-232 C terminal

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above

ANS: b

13. A computer

(a) is an intelligent machine

(b) can get tired easily

(c) may forget if you give it too much data

(d) None of the above.

ANS: d

14. People typically interface with a computer based system when:

(a) Information must be output

(b) Data must be input

(c) Information must be reviewed the computer needs a direction (or instruction) in order to process data

(d) All of the above.

ANS: d

15. The principle advantage of the centralized approach to organizing a computer facility is:

(a) Cost-effectiveness

(b) Processing activities are easier to coordinate

(c) Processing activities are easier to control

(d) Processing statements 'can be enforced

(e) All of the above.

ANS: e

16. The fifth generation digital computer will be

(a) Extremely low cost

(b) Very expensive

(c) Versatility

(d) Artificial intelligence

(e) None of the above.


17. To be information, data must be

 (a) Factual

(b) Relevant

(c) News

(d) All of the above

(d) None of the above.

ANS: d

18. A data system for calculating measures used in statistical inference is an example of a

(a) Teleprocessing system

(b) Data management system

(c) Computing system

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

19. For the purposes of defining data needs, a responsibility area is

(a) Marketing

(b) Administration

(c) Personal

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

20. Which is widely used in academic testing?

(a) MICR

 (b) POS

(c) OCR

(d) OMR

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

21. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called:

(a) Entry codes

(b) Passwords

(c) Security commands

(d) Code words

ANS: b

22. A factor which might cause an individual to consider using a computer in criminal activities is:

(a) The computer's access to large sums to money

(b) The speed with which the crime can be accomplished

(c) EFTS (Electronic Funds Transfer System

(d) All of the above

23. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?

(a) 816

(b) 32

(c) 64

(d) 256

ANS: d

24. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) The installation of a computer is favorably received by all employees

(b) Some form of training is necessary for employees who will work with computers

(c) Computers are portrayed solely as society's benefactor

(d) A business person is only interested in the computer's accuracy.

ANS: b

25. Which is considered a direct entry input device?

(a) Optical scanner

(b) Mouse

(c) Light pen

(d) Digitizer

(e) All of the above.

ANS: e

General Computer Test - 131


1. An operating system

(a) is not required on large computers

(b) is always supplies with computer

(c) is always written in BASIC

(d) consists of programs that help in the operation of computer

ANS: d

2. The number of tracks on a 1/2 inch wide magnetic tape is

(a) 7

(b) 9

(c) 18

 (d) 16

(e) None of the above.

ANS: b

3. Which type of computers have really brought the advantages of computers to homes and small business

(a) minicomputers

(b) microcomputers

(c) super computers

(d) mainframes

ANS: b

4. The tangible part of a computer system is called

(a) input data

(b) output data

(c) software

(d) hardware

ANS: d

5. Large computers which can process huge data at high speeds are known as

(a) networks

(b) minicomputers

(c) microcomputers

(e) mainframes

ANS: c

6. What is the most common speed in rpm at which the hard disk usually rotate

(a) 2400

(b) 3600

(c) 4700

(d) 1600

ANS: b

7. Computerized railway reservation system is an example of

(a) on-line application

(b) off-line application

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above.

ANS: a

8. Managers who have no technical knowledge about a computer can be easily trained to operate a/an

(a) minicomputer

(b) personal computer

(c) super computer

(d) microcomputer

ANS: b

9. It has been found that about 30% of the people feel 'computer anxious'. Out of these, about 3 to 5 percent suffer from serious computer phobia. What is the technical name for this feeling of fear?

(a) comp phobia

(b) technostress

(c) cyberphobia

(d) dizziness

ANS: c

10. What is meant by computer literacy?

(a) ability to write computer programs

(b) knowing what a computer can and cannot do

(c) knowing computer related vocabulary

(d) ability to assemble computers

ANS: b

11. Everything computer does is controlled by its?

(a) RAM

(b) ROM

(c) CPU

(d) Storage devices

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

12. The subject of Cybernetics deals with the science of

 (a) genetics

(b) control and communications

(c) molecular biology

(d) biochemistry

ANS: b

13. The heart of any computer is the

(a) CPU

(b) memory

(c) I/O unit

(d) disks

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

14. The attribution of human form of qualities to things such as machines or computers is called?

(a) Cybernetics

(b) Cybernation

(c) Artificial Intelligence

(d) Anthropomorphism

ANS: d

15. One Thousand and Twenty-four Bytes represent a

(a) Megabyte

(b) Gigabyte

(c) Kilobyte

 (d) all of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

16. A "number crunching" computer is one that can handle

(a) Large spreadsheets

(b) Large alphanumeric data

c) Large volume of numbers

(d) Only numbers

ANS: c

17. In computer technology, what is meant by the phrase 'state-of-the-art'?

(a) up-to-date

(b) best

(c) latest

(d) all of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

18. A Winchester disk is a

(a) disk stack

(b) removable disk

(c) flexible disk

(d) all of the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

19. Though a computer can replace people in dull-and routine tasks, yet it lacks

(a) initiative

(b) originality

(c) speed

(d) accuracy

ANS: b

20. The word 'computer' usually refers to the central processor units plus

(a) keyboard

(b) external memory

(c) internal memory

(d) peripheral devices

ANS: c

21. If a computer had no decision-making function, what will it be reduced to?

(a) electrical machine

(b) adding machine

(c) counting machine

(d) slide rule

ANS: b

22. Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?

(a) arithmetic-logic Unit

(b) control unit

 (c) memory unit

(d) input/output unit

(e) None of the above

ANS: b

23. Human beings are referred to as Homosapiens. Which device is called Silico sapiens?

(a) monitor

(b) hardware

(c) robot

(d) computer

ANS: d

24. A new technology which provides the ability to create an artificial world and have people interact with it is called

(a) televirtuality

(b) virtual reality

(c) alternative reality

(d) 3-D reality

ANS: b

25. A single bus structure is primarily found in

(a) main frames

(b) super computers

(c) high performance machines

(d) mini-and micro-computers

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

General Computer Test - 130


1. The first AT Systems have

(a) 12 bit ISA Bus

(b) 14 bit ISA Bus

(c) 16 bit ISA Bus

(d) 18 bit ISA Bus

ANS: c

2. Networking is a connection of two or more

(a) Computer System

(b) Man

(c) Place

(d) Business

ANS: a

3. If you want to improve the performance of your PC, you need to upgrade the

(a) CPU

(b) Monitor

(c) Keyboard

(d) Printer

ANS: a

4. How many input lines are needed to construct 1024 bit coincident core plane?

(a) 8

(b) 16

(c) 32

(d) 64

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

5. A digital computer is based on the principle of

(a) measurement

(b) logic

(c) multiplication

(d) counting

ANS: d

6. How many types of storage loops exist in magnetic bubble memory

(a) 8

(b) 4

(c) 16

(d) 2

(e) None of the above

ANS: d

7. The linking of computers with a communication system is called

 (a) networking

(b) pairing

(c) interlocking

(d) assembling

ANS: a

8. Standardization means

(a) connecting two computer systems

(b) compatibility between different computer systems from different suppliers.

(c) always using a standard parallel interface

(d) joining a computer user group

ANS: b

9. Which memory is nonvolatile and may be written only once?

(a) RAM

(b) EP-ROM

(c) SRAM

(d) PROM

(e) None of the above.

ANS: c

10. For creating and editing legal documents which application package would be most useful

(a) spreadsheet

(b) word-processing

(c) graphic

 (d) communication

ANS: b

11. Word-processing is used for

(a) presentation of data in graphical form

(b) what-if analysis

(c) entry, verifying, updating, retrieving etc. of records

(d) creation, storage, editing etc. of text.

ANS: d

12. Which of the 'following statements is wrong?

(a) An EPROM can be programmed, erased and reprogrammed by the user with an EPROM programming instrument

(b) magnetic tape is non volatile

(c) magnetic core and semiconductor memories are used as mass memory medium

(d) RAM is a type of volatile memory

(e) None of the above

ANS: c

13. Which of the following program is useful for merging names and address with,repetitive letters for mass mailing

(a) word-processing and database integrated program

(b) database management and spreadsheet program

(c) graphics program

(d) communication program

ANS: a

14. The data bus in 8080A/8085 micro-processor is a group of

(a) eight bi-directional lines that are used to transfer 8 bits between the micro-processor and its I/O and memory

(b) sixteen bi-directional lines that are used for data transfer between the micro-processor and memory

(c) eight undirectional lines that are used for I/O devices

(d) eight lines used to transfer data among the registers

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

15. The operation of a digital computer is based on .....principle.

(a) counting

(b) measuring

(c) electronic

(d) logical

(e) None of the above.

ANS: a

16. DBMS stand for

(a) database marketing system

(b) database management studies

(c) database management system

(d) database marketing strategies

ANS: c

17. An integrated circuit is

(a) a complicated circuit

 (b) an integrating device

(c) much costlier than a single transistor

(d) fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

(e) None of the above .

ANS: d

18. A dumb terminal with a keyboard and CRT and connected to a computer is

(a) an off-line device

(b) an on-line device

(c) neither on-line nor off-line device

(d) both (a) and (b)

ANS: b

19. When a bank teller uses a computer terminal to know the balance in a customer's accounts it is an example of ?

(a) on-line updating

(b) off-line processing

(c) on-line query

(d) on-line processing

ANS: c

20. Most important advantage of an IC is its

(a) easy replacement in case of circuit failure

(b) extremely high reliability

(c) reduced cost

(d) low power consumption

 (e) None of the above.

ANS: b

21. The concept that many users can share a computer is called

(a) time-sharing

(b) distributed processing

(c) parallel processing

(d) interpersonal relationship

ANS: a

22. Which one of the following words has computer meaning and a computer meaning

(a) node

(b) bus

(c) quick

(d) plotter

ANS: a

23. Which of the following is a computer program

(a) utility software

(b) application package

(c) operating system

(d) all of the above computer programs

ANS: d

24. The computer stores its program and data in its

(a) ALU

(b) control unit

(c) memory

(d) cache memory

ANS: c

25. What is the number of read-write heads in the drive for a 9-track magnetic tape?

(a) 9

(b) 16

(c) 18

(d) 27

(e) None of the above.

ANS: b

General Computer Test - 129


1. If a home computer user wants access to national database networks he/she at least requires

(a) a microcomputer, a modem, a telephone line

(b) a microcomputer, a tele-printer, a telephone line

(c) a microcomputer, communications soft-ware, a telephone line

(d) a microcomputer, a modem, communications software, a telephone line

ANS: d

2. Which of the following factors does not affect the total time taken to generate by using computers?

(a) entry of data

(b) complexity of calculations to be performed

(c) type and format of output required

(d) power of the processor

(e) speed of the printer

(f) place where the computer is kept

ANS: f

3. Which of the following functions of a computer is wrong?

(a) it obtains data from an input device

(b) it processes the data and delivers the final results to an output device

(c) it takes processing steps from the list of instructions called program

(d) it stores the program and data in memory.

(e) It generates the program on its own.

ANS: e

4. The heart of a computer is

(a) CPU

(b) Memory

(c) I/O Unit

(d) Disks

ANS: a

5. A computer consists of

(a) a central processing unit

(b) a memory

(c) input and output units

(d) All the above.

ANS: d

6. Which of the following is not used as secondary storage?

(a) semiconductor memory

(b) magnetic disks

(c) magnetic drums

(d) magnetic tapes

ANS: a

7. Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed?

(a) semiconductor memory

(b) magnetic disks

(c) magnetic drums

(d) magnetic tapes

ANS: a

8. Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?

(a) Arithmetic-logic unit

(b) Control unit

 (c) Memory unit

(b) I/O unit

ANS: b

9. The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage elements called

(a) semiconductor memory

(b) registers

(c) hard disk

(d) magnetic disk

ANS: b

10. Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed (and short) amount of time after specifying its address is called

(a) sequential-access memory

(b) random-access memory

(c) secondary memory

(d) mass storage

ANS: b

11. Which of the following is the fastest?

(a) CPU

(b) Magnetic tapes and disks

(c) Video terminal

(d) Sensors, mechanical controllers

ANS: a

12. Modern computers do not work with decimal numbers. Instead, they process binary numbers i.e., groups of Os and 1s because

(a) electronic devices are most reliable when designed for two state (binary) operation

(b) binary circuits are simple

(c) memory is only possible for binary numbers

(d) with decimal numbers, the circuits are complex and costly

(e) with decimal numbers, processing speed is slow

ANS: a

13. A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can (choose the most precise definition)

(a) carry out arithmetical operations

(b) carry out logical functions

(c) do complicated calculations

(d) accept and process data by implementing sequentially a set of stored instructions.

(e) Present information to the operator on a visual display unit

ANS: d

14. Stored instructions and data in digital computers consists of

(a) alphabets

(b) numerals

(c) characters

(d) scripts

(e) bits

ANS: e

15. A digital computer performs its computations by

 (a) mechanical means

(b) analogy

(c) guessing

(d) counting

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

16. Binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers express each decimal digitals as

(a) binary digits

(b) digits and strings

(c) nibble

(d) word

(e) byte

ANS: c

17. The basic operation performed by a computer is

(a) arithmetic operations

(b) logic operations

(c) storage and retrieval operations ../(d) all the above

(e) None of the above.

ANS: d

18. Who is regarded as the Father of computers?

(a) Abascus

(b) John Napier

 (c) Pascal

(c) Charles Babbage

(e) Hollerith

ANS: c

19. The analog computer deals directly with

(a) number or codes

(b) measured values of continuous physical magnitude

(c) signals in the form of 0 or 1

(d) signals in discrete values from 0 to 9

ANS: b

20. Transistor was invented in

(a) 1945

(b) 1946

(c) 1947

(d) 1948

ANS: d

21. Integrated circuits are classified according to the

(a) no. of chips

(b) no. of vacuum tube

(c) no. of gates

(d) no. of transistor

ANS: c

22. 1 K bits equals to the

(a) 1000 bits

(b) 100 bits

(c) 1024 bits

(d) 10 bits

ANS: c

23. The first microprocessor was introduced in

(a) 1971

(b) 1972

(c) 1973

(d) 1974

ANS: a

24. In terms of processing power there is a class of computers between minicomputers and microcomputers known as

(a) Supercomputer

(b) Mainframe

(c) Personal computer

(d) Workstation

ANS: d

25. The biggest manufacturer of workstations is

(a) Sun Microsystems

(b) IBM

 (c) DEC

(d) HP

ANS: a

General Computer Test - 128


1. The first mechanical computer designed by Babbage was called:

(a) Analytical Engine

(b) Abacus

(c) Calculator

(d) Processor

ANS: a

2. The counting board in which numbers are represented as beads strung on wires is commonly called abacus. By what name is it known in Japan?

(a) Suanpan

(b) Soroban

(c) Napier's beads

 (d) Suharto

ANS: b

3. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtracts, multiply, divide and find square roots?

(a) Napier

(b) Babbage

(c) Pascal

(d) Leibnitz

ANS: d

4. What is the name of the earliest calculating machine which was based on concepts found in modem computers but was unfortunately never build?

(a) Babbage's Difference Engine

(b) Pascal's Adder

(c) Leibnitz's Multiplier

(d) Differential Analyzer

ANS: a

5. Who is called the "grandfather" of the computer?

(a) Herman Hollerith

(b) Blaise Pascal

(c) Charles Babbage

(d) Joseph jacquard

ANS: c

6. In 1830, Charles Babbage designed a machine called the Analytical Engine which he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which year was it exhibited

(a) 1835

(b) 1860

(c) 1855

(d) 1870

ANS: c

7. Charles Babbage, who was Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University in England, was an eccentric and quick tempered man. He planned and dreamt of many machines which he could not complete. One such machine was known as "Babbage's Folly". Can you tell the name of the machine?

(a) Differential Analyzer

(b) Difference Engine

(c) Analytical Engine

(d) Mark-1

ANS: c

8. In 1944, an electromechanical computer was built having thousands of relays which sounded "like a roomful of old ladies knitting away with steel needles" as they clicked open and closed. What was the name of the computer?

(a) colossus

(b) Mark-1

(c) Whirlwind


ANS: b

9. ENIAC (electric Numerical Integrator and Calculator) had huge advantage over mark because it used electronic valves in place of the electromagnetic valves in place of the  electromagnetic switches. In the beginning, ENIAC was used for calculating the path of artillery shells. For which other was weapon design was it utilized?

(a) hydrogen bomb

(b) atom bomb

(c) submarines

(d) fighter aircraft

ANS: a

10. What was the total number of UNIVAC- I sold eventually and by which company?

(a) 20, British Tabulating Machine Co. (BTM)

(b) 80, International Business Machines (IBM)

(c) 48, Remington Red

(d) 40, International Computer Ltd. (ICL)

ANS: 48

11. Who is credited with the development of the "blueprints" for the first digital computer?

(a) Blaise Pascal

(b) William Seward Burroughs

(c) Charles Babbage

(d) Herman Hollerith

ANS: c

12. The first practical commercial typewriter was invented in 1867 in the United States by

(a) Chirstopher Latham Sholes

(b) Carlos Glidden

(c) Samual soule

 (d) All of the above

ANS: d

13. Punched-card equipment was first introduced in Britain in 904 by a small company. What was the name of that company?

(a) The Tabulator Ltd.

(b) Tabular Machine Company

(c) International Business Machines (IBM)

(d) Accounting & Tabulating Corp. of Great Britain

ANS: a

14. When was punched-card equipment used for the first time to process the British census?

(a) 1094

(b) 1907

(c) 1911

(d) 1914

ANS: c

15. The first major electronic analog computer called the differential analyzer was built at Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 1920s. Can you tell who directed the development of this computer?

(a) Cliffort Berry

(b) Thomas J Watson

(c) A.M. Turing

(d) Vannevar Bush

ANS: d

16. Which was the first company in the world to build computer for sale?

(a) International Business Machines

(b) Remington Rand Corporation

(c) English Electric Computer Ltd:

(d) Sperry Univac.

ANS: d

17. The use of computer work stations to send and receive messages is known as

(a) electronic funds transfer

(b) electronic message switching

(c) electronic mail

(d) electronic publishing

ANS: c

18. Protecting the data from unauthorized access is called

(a) data inaccessibility

(b) data encryption

(c) data security

(d) data validity

ANS: c

19. What is true about supercomputers

(a) they can fit on a single small chip

(b) they are found at thousands of places around the world

(c) they cost only few thousand rupee

 (d) they can process billions of operations in a second

ANS: d

20. In a distributed computer system

(a) there are many computers and terminals

(b) the task is executed by a number of processors

(c) the task is distributed throughout the system

(d) All of the above.

ANS: c

21. A computer programming language often used by children is

(a) LOGO




ANS: a

22. The linking of computers with a communication system is called

(a) networking

(b) pairing

(c) interfacing

(d) assembling

ANS: a

23. The software generally used for what-if analysis is related to

 (a) word-processing

(b) graphics

(c) database management

(d) None of the above

ANS: d

24. Distributed data entry means that data can be

(a) entered at different locations where it originates

(b) sent to different locations from a central place

(c) accessed from different places know as distribution points

(d) distributed through a network

ANS: a

25. Software documentation refers to

(a) anything written about how the software is designed or functions

(b) the documents which, the user has to sign before using the software legally

(c) the compatibility of the software with IBM-PC

(d) None of the above.

ANS: a