1. The computers in
all our branches are interconnected within the premises and this is called as
a) LAN-Local Area Network
b) WAN-Wide Area Network
c) Peer Network
d) Star Network
e) None of the above
Ans (A)
2. Wherever networks
are not possible, our bank has gone for satellite connections otherwise called as
c) SAT
d) VAT
e) TAT
Ans (B)
3. The processing of
loan proposal has been recently computerised and the package for it is
a) SAFE-
b) Lending Automation solutions (LAS)
c) ALPS-Automated Lending Processing System
d) Lead management solutions(LMS)
e) None of the above
Ans (C)
4. Cheques lodged in
inward clearing can be viewed by the branch using the menu ?
a) ST63
b) ST038
c) ST6002
d) ST999
e) None of the above
Ans (A)
5. To inquire on the
status of a cheque entered in outward clearing , you can use the menu option .
a) ST639
b) ST038
c) ST6001
d) All the above
e) None of the above
Ans (B)
6. Once a transaction
is authorised, No modification is allowed. Whether the statement is true or
a) True
b) False
c) Partially True
d) Partially False
e) None of the above
Ans (A)
7. ―Mouse‖ in a
computer is ̳.....................‘
a) Input
b) Output
c) Control
d) Slow
e) All the above
Ans (A)
8. ―SAFE‖ stands for
a) Storage Accounting for Everyone
b) Flexible Locker inventory System
c) Inter linking with CBS-FCR with regard to Customer details and collection of Locker Rent through GEFU
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
Ans (D)
9. Monitor‖ in a
computer is
a) Show
b) Output
c) Input
d) Control
e) Any One of the above
Ans (B)
10. Canara Bank has
an Anti-Virus solution from
̳..................................‘ Company
a) Macafee
b) Avira
c) Symantec
d) Norton
e) Microsoft
Ans (C)
11. ―OS‖ in a
computer stands for
a) Open Source
b) Opening System
c) Operating System
d) Optional System
e) Operational Support
Ans (C)
12. ―Plastic Money‖
is referred to
a) Credit Card
b) Debit Card
c) Gift Card
d) ATM Card
e) All the above
Ans (E)
13."Caps Lock‖
key in Key Board is used for
a) Lock the key board
b) Toggle key for lower/upper case of English Alphabet
c) Capturing the print on the screen
d) Control the locking system of computer
e) All the above
Ans (B)
14.Account Operating
Instructions in CBS can be viewed in any screen where account number is entered
by opting Hot Keys-
a) Alt+A,
Ans (E)
―......................‖ Is an input device
a) ROM
b) RAM
c) Keyboard
d) Monitor
e) Motherboard
Ans (C)
16. ̳....................‘ is not a storage
a) RAM
b) Pen drive
c) Floppy
d) Hard disk
e) Compact Disk
Ans (A)
17. In a branch,̳UPS‘
is used to Supply Electric Power to
a) Computers
b) Room Heaters
c) Vacuum Cleaner
d) Air Conditioners
e) All the above
Ans (A)
18. Computer data is
stored in ̳......................‘
a) Tonnes
b) Milliseconds
c) Bytes
d) Litres
e) Millimeters
Ans (C)
19. Computer data
a) Information about customers‘ accounts
b) Information about transactions
c) Information about customers‘ signatures
d) All the above
e) None of the above
Ans (D)
20.‖Software‖ means
a) Soft Computer devices like cables etc.
b) Programs used in computer
c) Soft touch screen monitors
d) Print outs taken on soft papers
e) All the above
Ans (B)
21.‘CPU‘ is ̳....................‘ of a computer
a) Brain
b) Face
c) Eyes
d) Stomach
e) All the above
Ans (A)
22. Computers should
be used with ̳...............................‘
Power supply
a) A C
b) D C
c) M C
d) W C
e) All the above
Ans (B)
23. A Computer cannot
work without
a) Mouse
b) Key Board
c) Mother Board
d) Pen Drive
e) Hard disk
Ans (C)
24.‖USB‖ port in a
computer is used to connect
a) Pen Drive
b) Mouse
c) Key Board
d) Hard Disk
e) All the above
Ans (E)
25.‖Log Out‖ means
a) Shut down the computer
b) Come out from the package
c) Switch off mains power supply to the computer d) Enter the ID and Password
e) All the above
Ans (B)