10 Jan 2021 MySQL Test Result
10 Jan 2021 MySQL Test Result
Consider a relation book (title, price) which contains the titles and prices of different books. Assuming that no two books have the same price, what does the following SQL query list ?
Select title
from book as B
where (select count ( * )
from book as T
where T.price > B.price) < 7
Process to Create MySQL database backup and restore.
1. Open Command Prompt using admin.
2. Move to
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin>
3. For Backup
mysqldump -uroot -proot databasename > backupfilename.sql
4. Open MySql
5. Drop database and create again
6. For Restore Database from backup file
In Command Prompt write
mysql -uroot -proot databasename < backupfilename.sql
7. Check in MySql all tables will restore